5 Takeaways From AEW Dynamite (12/18)

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AEW Dynamite aired live from the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas. It was the final episode of Dynamite in 2019. Here are 5 takeaways from this week’s show:

5PAC Played Mind Games With Kenny Omega

lucha bros omega page

Kenny Omega and Hangman Page battled the Lucha Brothers tonight on Dynamite. Omega and Hangman started off in control as the crowd chanted “cowboy sh*t!”. Page and Pentagon traded chops and then Omega hopped in the ring. Kenny and Hangman leveled the Lucha Brothers with a series of chops and then Omega tagged in.

Omega flipped onto Lucha Brothers outside the ring and took a jog up the entrance ramp as the crowd chanted “AEW!”. Hangman Page tagged in and Pentagon sent him to the apron. Fenix grabbed Page’s legs and Pentagon leveled him with a Superkick. Fenix hit Page with a Double Stomp and then Pentagon went for the cover but Omega broke it up.

Fenix took out Hangman ringside and followed it up with a Suicide Dive onto Omega outside the ring. Back in the ring, Fenix caught Kenny with a kick to the face but Omega shrugged it off and connected with a Powerbomb. Omega followed it up with a running knee to the face and both men fell to the canvas.

Pentagon ran into the ring and shoved Hangman off the apron and into the barricade. Fenix distracted referee Aubrey Edwards and Pentagon hit Omega with a cheap shot. Hangman tagged in and hit Fenix with a Fallaway Slam and followed it up with a Crossbody onto Pentagaon.

Hangman knocked Fenix to the outside and hit a Suicide Dive as another “cowboy sh*t!. Back in the ring, Page set up the Lucha Brothers in opposite corners and hit them with a couple of Splashes. Lucha Brothers took back control and isolated Hangman in the ring.

Page battled back and planted Pentagon with a Fallaway Slam off the second rope. Omega joined the party and Powerbombed Fenix onto Pentagaon in the corner. Omega hit Pentagon with a Spinebuster for a near fall. Pentagon battled back with a Slingblade but turned around into an elbow from Page.

Kenny planted Fenix with a Snap Dragon Suplex and hit Pentagon with a knee to the face. Omega held up Pentagon and Hangman went for the Buckshot Lariat but Pentagon ducked and Page leveled Omega. Lucha Brothers then knocked Page to the outside and hit Omega with a Piledriver/Double Stomp for the pinfall victory.


After the match, Hangman got back into the ring and started arguing. Kenny and Hangman started shoving each other when PAC appeared on the screen. PAC stated that it was time to remind Kenny exactly what he is capable of. PAC entered Michael Nakazawa’s (Kenny’s best friend) dressing room and Omega sprinted backstage as Dynamite went to a commercial break. During the break, the Lucha Brothers attacked Omega backstage until Hangman made the save. Hangman and Omega then went to Nakazawa’s dressing as Darby Allin was shown skateboarding.
