TNA Turning Point PPV Results (11/7/10)

TNA Turning Point Results
From Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Results by: Sean Hopkins of

The show opens with a video package highlighting Jeff Hardy, saying that tonight is a turning point in his life. He says he does what he has to do, and he serves one master, himself. He calls himself the antichrist of pro-wrestling. And we go straight into the pyro, and it’s PPV time!

Mike Tenay welcomes us to the PPV proper and hypes it as the first of the Bischoff, Hogan, Flair regime. We open the show with the X-Division title match as Robbie E.’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring with Cookie in tow.

TNA X Division Championship Match
– Jay Lethal (c) vs. Robbie E w/Cookie

Robbie gets a lot of heat as he does his dumb fist pumping. Lethal’s music hits next and the champion makes his way down to the ring to a lot of love from the Impact Zone crowd.

The start:

The bell rings and we’re ready to kick things off in this one. Both men lock up quickly and fight for position before Lethal breaks it off and points toward Cookie. Robbie rolls out and talks to his valet briefly before rolling back in.

Mid-match notes:

Another lock up and Lethal puts Robbie in the corner before pounding on him. A couple of arm drags from Lethal and Lethal holds on to it, stretching Robbie’s shoulder. Robbie fights out of it, but Lethal hits another arm drag and goes right back into the submission. Robbie fights out again, but this time finds himself backdropped over the top rope to the outside. Lethal stares down at him and baseball slides out, missing Robbie, but following up with a quick chop.

Lethal slams Robbie’s face into the apron a couple of times before sending him back into the ring and following with a top rope missile dropkick that’s good for a near fall. Hip toss/low dropkick combo from Lethal is good for another near fall. Lethal catches Robbie in the corner with a nice chop before trying for the Lethal combination, but Robbie hangs on to the ropes and Lethal falls to the mat. Robbie pounds on Lethal for a bit before going for a couple of quick pins that don’t amount to much. Robbie rolls to the outside and pulls Lethal to the apron where he pounds down across Lethal’s chest. Robbie rolls back into the ring and grinds his boot on Lethal’s chest before trying for another pin that’s good for two. Lethal begins to fight back with a series of rights, but Robbie sends him into the corner hard for another near fall.

Robbie sends Lethal into the corner and follows with a spear before continuing to grind his boot into Lethal’s chest. Robbie sends Lethal into the ropes and catches him in an abdominal stretch right in the middle of the ring. Lethal is able to fight out of it, but Robbie takes him right down with a back elbow for another two count. Robbie locks in a seated bear hug, continuing to work over Lethal’s midsection.

Lethal gets to his feet, and Robbie slams him into the corner. Lethal continues to fight, eventually stunning Robbie with a couple of blows, and a flying forearm, and a series of clotheslines. Lethal hits a hand spring back elbow, beautifully, and gets to hits feet to a big pop. Lethal is sent into the ropes and he tries for a sunset flip, getting it, but Cookie is distracting Earl Hebner. Lethal argues with Cookie, and when Robbie tries to attack, Lethal tosses him over the top. Lethal dives out through the ropes with a suicide dive, hitting his target.

The finish:

Lethal picks Robbie up to his feet and hits a sick chop before slamming him head first into the apron. Lethal continues to fight with Robbie around the ring, hitting another awesome chop and laying a couple of rights into Robbie’s head. Cookie spray Lethal with the hairspray, but Lethal blocks it. He turns around to a charging Robbie and connects with the Lethal combination. Lethal goes to the top, but Cookie grabs his legs while Hebner’s distracted with the perfume. Robbie pulls Lethal down, hits a neckbreaker, and scores a three count.

Winner & NEW TNA X Division Champion: Robbie E.

The crowd is not happy about this one and they voice their disapproval as Robbie fist pumps and celebrates with the title.

Tenay and Taz run down some of the highlights of the card including the TNA Tag Team and World Championship matches, as well as the EV2 vs Fortune match. They then throw it to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is with Mickie James. James runs down Tara and says although she may not like her, she will respect her.

TNA Knockouts Match
– Tara vs. Mickie James

The start:

Tara is out to the ring first accompanied by Madison Rayne. Mickie is out soon after and she runs to the ring, quickly slapping Tara in the face twice. Tara takes Mickie down and pounds on her, but Mickie turns it around. Tara catches Mickie with a big right and goesfor a piledriver, but James counters out with a backdrop and hits a low dropkick. Tara rolls to the outside and Mickie invites her back in.

Mid-match notes:

Tara catches Mickie off guard and snaps her neck on the ropes. When she comes back in the ring she kicks away at Mickie for a bit, and Mickie tries to fight back. Tara goes for the Widow’s peak, but Mickie rolls through out of it and goes right into a single leg crab, but she holds on to Tara’s hair, so she’s forced to break it. Tara rolls out to the floor and drags Mickie out after her. They both grab each other by the hair and fight back into the ring where the referee breaks it up. Tara goes right back to it and sends Mickie across the ring by her hair before choking her against the bottom rope.

Tara hits a beautiful suplex and rolls over into a guillotine choke before grabbing at Mickie’s hair. Tara kicks at Mickie and chokes her with her boot. Tara gloats for a bit, and it allows Mickie to get a couple of shots in. Mickie grabs Tara in a headscissors and takes her over the top to the outside. James is on the apron and she jumps off, launching herself Thesz press style into Tara. Mickie rolls Tara into the ring and follows with a top rope missile dropkick. Mickie goes for the chick kick, but Tara pulls her down into a splits and kicks her over.

Tara goes for another suplex but Mickie floats over. Mickie tries for a suplex of her own, but Tara picks her up and seats her on the top turnbuckle. Tara slips and ends up straddling James, and they fight for a bit before they both tumble to the outside in a pretty nasty looking spot. On the outside, both women immediately go right back for the hair. Mickie whips Tara back first into the ring,and to retaliate she hits a bit chop to Mickie’s chest.

The finish:

Both women fight up toward the entrance ramp area and into the crowd. Tara sends Mickie into a wall and both women continue to fight. The referee is forced to call for the bell, but it doesn’t matter as both women continue to fight.

Winner: No Contest

Mickie and Tara continue to brawl, back toward the entrance ramp, then toward the broadcast table before Mickie sends Tara into some TNA employees. Tara grabs a broom and snaps it over Mickie’s back, and Mickie comes right back with a garbage can to Tara’s head. Mickie pounds away on Tara, but Tara comes right back with a couple of right’s of her own. Security try to pull Mickie and Tara apart, but don’t have an easy time of it. Mickie eventually heads back to the ring and calls Tara out. Tara obliges, running through security and to the ring. Both women fend off security before they continue to fight. Tara rips off a piece of Mickie’s jeans, so Mickie rips off part of Tara’s outfit. They continue to fight until more security and backstage officials make their way into the ring. Even then, we’re still get another pull apart.

The crowd is chanting let them fight and Mickie breaks away yet again, launching herself at Tara. They finally get Tara out of the ring and cut to a video package for the TNA World Tag Team Title Match.

Christy Hemme is backstage with Team 3D. She asks about their last match, and Bubba says she smacked him in the face with reality. He says they did a good job of becoming the best tag team that ever existed. They’ve been around the world, and they did it together. Ray says they’ll do it one more time, together, and they’ll become the 24 time Tag Team Champions, and retiring in style. And they’re going out like they came in, together. D-Von says Testify.

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
– The Motor City Machine Guns (c) vs. Team 3D

Team 3D’s music hits, and they make their way out to the ring, for what’s been heavily advertised as their last match, to a big pop from the Impact Zone. The Guns are out to the ring next, and they get a respectable reaction from the crowd, but not nearly what 3D got.

The start:

Shelley and D-Von look to start things out for their respective teams. The bell rings, and the crowd immediately begins a 3D chant. We get a handshake from both men. Both men lock up and D-Von pushes Shelley into the corner, breaking cleanly. Another lock up, and Shelley twists the arm, leading to him being taking over and off his feet. Shelley catches D-Von with a grapevine around the neck and D-Von relents. Both men get up and trade a few more holds before D-Von hits a shoulderblock, and spinning back elbow. D-Vin goes for a suplex but Shelley reverses out. Shelley tries to use his speed, but misses an enzugiri. He hits a dropkick to D-Von’s knee and tags out to Sabin.

Mid-match notes:

They go for a double team maneuver but D-Von avoids it and hits a double clothesline. Ray tags in and 3D goes for a double team, but Shelley goes to the outside and avoids it.

Back in the ring,Sabin and Ray fight, and Sabin connects with a couple of forearms to Ray’s face. Sabin goes to the apron and hits a springboard crossbody that’s good for a two count, but Ray comes right back with a big boot. Tag to D-Von leads to a double team backbreaker legdrop combo and near fall. Shelley tags in and the Guns hit a series of quick double team maneuvers of their own that leads to a near fall for Shelley. Shelley goes to the top turnbuckle and tries for a double stomp, but D-Von is able to roll out of the way and tags in Ray who targets Shelley’s knee with a grapevine.

Ray picks Shelley up by the leg and slams his knee into the canvas, but a splash is missed, and Shelley tags out to Sabin. Shelley and Sabin immediately begin throwing crazy dropkicks and double team maneuvers at both members of 3D. Shelley hits a suicide dive on D-Von, but Sabin misses a dive out on Ray. Ray tries to charge Sabin on the outside, but Sabin moves and Ray hits the ring post, splitting himself open. Sabin rolls him back into the ring where Shelley goes to work on Ray’s arm. Shelley tags out to Sabin who comes in with a quick right hand and rakes away at Ray’s wound on his forehead.

Sabin kicks Ray and tags out to Shelley, they both kick Ray square in the chest. Shelley hits a couple of knee drops, continuing to open the wound of Ray. Shelley prevents Ray from making the tag and Shelley tags himself in, but he eats a back elbow. Brother Ray goes to the top rope, and Sabin stops him, but Ray responds with a top rope power bomb. Ray covers Sabin but only gets two.

Shelley is able to make the tag, and he prevents Ray from making the tag, so Ray responds with a big chop. Shelley kicks Ray, so Ray comes back with another chest. Another kick from Shelley, and another, and Ray follows up with another chop that stuns Shelley. Ray stops another kick and eats an enzugiri, but he counters a diving Shelley with an ace crusher and both men are down. Ray makes the tag and so does Shelley. D-Von takes Sabin down with a series of rights and a big flying shoulderblock. Side slam from D-Von is good for a two count. D-Von charges Sabin, but Sabin gets the boot up, D-Von responds with a quick powerslam. Sabin avoids a back body drop, so D-Von follows up with a neckbreaker. Shelley breaks up a pin and pokes D-Von in the eye before they hit a poetry in motion. A second attempt, and D-Von catches Sabin, and slams him into Shelley. D-Von climbs to the top and hits a flying headbutt on Sabin that’s good for two.

Ray tags himself in, and hits a double clothesline on both of the Guns. Ray and D-Von hit a back suplex neckbreaker combo on Sabin, and the What’s Up head butt on Shelley. Ray pushes D-Von, and the crowd yells along to get the tables. D-Von is happy to oblige, and he goes to the outside. A few seconds later, and there’s a table in the ring. D-von tags in, and Ray tries to send Sabin through the table in the corner, but Sabin flips off of it, and Ray charges right through it. Double team from the Guns, and it’s good for two. Cross body/neckbreaker combo from the Guns is good for another two count. The Guns try for a double team, but D-Von fights it off and Shelley kicks Sabin. Shelley turns around and walks right into a 3D. D-Von covers Shelley, but Shelley kicks out! D-Von and Ray look shocked.

The finish:

D-Von tags out to Ray and they try for another, but Sabin DDT’s D-Von, and avoids a splash from Ray. A neckbreaker/cross body combo on Brother Ray, and Sabin pins Ray to get the three count.

Winners & STILL TNA Tag Team Champions: The Motor City Machine Guns

The Guns celebrate with their titles, and they help Ray sit up. D-Von raises the hands of both Shelley and Sabin. All three men help Ray to his feet. The Guns raise the hands of 3D, and Ray falls to his knees. Ray is able to get back up, and all four men hold their hands up. Ray hugs Sabin. We go right to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is with Tommy Dreamer.

Dreamer calls himself out as a reason 3D exists, and says tonight is a sad night because members of EV2 are fighting for their jobs, and he and RVD are fighting. Dreamer says tonight RVD will find out who is his true friend.

Singles Match
– Tommy Dreamer vs. Rob Van Dam

Tommy Dreamer makes his way out to the ring and Tenay announces that this match will be anything goes. RVD is out next, and he gets a really nice pop from the Impact Zone.

The start:

The bell rings, and it looks like we’re ready to kick things off in this one. RVD and Dreamer talks for a bit before locking up. They break quickly, lock up and break again. Another lock up and Dreamer grabs RVD’s leg, ducking an enzugiri, and trying for a quick pin, Van Dam comes back with one of his own, and both stand up quickly in a stand off. They talk a bit more nose to nose and then trade right hands. We get a bit of sloppy chaining reversals before Dreamer clotheslines Van Dam. RVD rolls to the outside.

Mid-match notes:

RVD stalls for a bit, but soon makes his way back to the apron. Dreamer charges him and RVD buries his shoulder in Dreamer’s midsection. Dreamer hits him in the chest and RVD falls to the floor. Dreamer goes out to the apron and launches himself toward Van Dam with a running clothesline from the apron. Dreamer tries to slam RVD’s head into the ring apron, but Van Dam blocks it with a quick kick before crotching Dreamer on the barricade and following it up with a spinning kick to Dreamer’s back.

Van Dam slams Dreamer’s head into the apron, and grabs a chair, sending it into the ring. RVD chokes Tommy for a bit before coming into the ring himself and setting the chair on Dreamer’s face while his head and neck is on the apron. RVD tries for a slingshot legdrop on the chair on Dreamer’s face, but Dreamer moves and Van Dam falls to the outside. Dreamer rolls RVD back into the ring and goes to work on RVD’s leg before sitting him on the top rope and setting him up in the tree of woe. Dreamer puts the chair in front of Van Dam’s face, but RVD moves it. Dreamer puts Van Dam right back into it, only for the same result. Dreamer catches him and instead drops him with a neckbreaker out of the tree of woe.

Dreamer goes out under the ring and grabs a ladder and a chair. Dreamer places the ladder on the apron, and just so happens to be in place for Van Dam to baseball slide into it. Dreamer picks up the ladder though, and slams it into Van Dam’s face instead. Dreamer sends the ladder into the ring and rolls RVD in. Dreamer hits a bulldog sending Van Dam face first into the ladder, but it’s only good for a two count. Dreamer places Van Dam on the ladder and goes for a middle rope elbow drop, but RVD moves. RVD puts Dreamer on the ladder and tries for rolling thunder, but Dreamer moves. Dreamer hits a spinebuster to put Van Dam down, and Dreamer goes to the top rope, coming down with a big splash. Dreamer pins RVD for a two.

Dreamer tries for a DDT, but RVD counters with a Northern lights suplex, and Dreamer looks like he’s broken his wrist in a really sickening sight. RVD looks down at Dreamer and he tries to pin him, but Dreamer kicks out. RVD hits a low dropkick and this is absolutely crazy on Dreamer’s behalf. RVD picks Dreamer up and slams him down on a chair and tries for a split legged moonsault, but Dreamer moves. I don’t know how, but somehow Dreamer pickes up the ladder puts it in the corner sending Van Dam in face first, only to have the ladder thrown right back in his own face. RVD tries for the five star frog splash, but Dreamer rolls out of the way, and somehow hits a stalling piledriver, but Van Dam kicks out at two.

The finish:

RVD goes to the top and Dreamer continues to fight, hitting him with a series of rights. He picks the ladder up and sets it up in between the middle and top ropes. Dreamer stands on the ladder and fights Van Dam, but Dreamer ends up slipping through the rungs of the ladder, Van Dam hits a sick kick and Dreamer is still hung up sickly in the ladder. RVD puts a chair in Dreamer’s face and hits a low dropkick. Another five star attempt, and Dreamer rolls out of the way again. Dreamer tries for the Dreamer Driver, but RVD fights out and throws him into the ladder in the corner. Dreamer ends up slammed into the chair, and RVD goes for another five star frog splash, connecting this time. RVD pins Dreamer for the three count. Crazy.

Winner: RVD

After the match, Van Dam approaches Dreamer, and calls him his brother. He apologizes to Dreamer and hugs him. Dreamer shakes his hand and hugs him back.

We cut right back to the backstage area where Hemme is with Fortune. Flair says this is the time for the show to start, because Fortune will kick a**, and they’ll fire a member of EV2. Everyone gets a little turn on the mic where they talk up their team and talk down EV2. Flair says it’s Fortune’s time.

Winning Team Gets to Fire A Member of the Losing Team
– EV2 vs. Fortune

Fortune is the first team out to the ring, but Flair is not out with them. EV2 are out next, and they look a lot more varied than the members of Fortune, but they also get a bigger pop. I’m sure this match will be fairly difficult to call so please bear with me during this one.

The start:

All ten men stare each other down and Kaz slaps Kendrick to start things off, leading right into a crazy brawl that breaks down pretty quickly, moving all over the ringside area. Kendrick and Kaz end up in the ring and Kendrick sends Kaz to the outside with a back elbow. Kendrick turns around into a chop block from Williams, and Stevie throws Williams to the outside. Roode hits Stevie with a spinebuster that’s good for a near fall.

Mid-match notes:

Kendrick is helped to the back by the trainers and even Storm looks a bit concerned. That was a nasty blow by Williams. Storm and Richards looks to start things off properly.

Kaz tags in and hits a jumping clothesline that’s good for a near fall before tagging out to William’s. Williams sends Richards into the corner and follows with a high knee. Williams tags out to Styles, who comes in and lays into Stevie with a big kick to the back. Styles tags out to Kaz and we get a double team side slam/slingshot legdrop combo. Roode catches Richards with a couple of elbows across the throat while the ref’s back is turned, and tags in, only to slingshot Richards against the bottom rope. Styles tags in and hits a suplex that’s good for another near fall. Kaz tags back in and hits another suplex before mocking Richards’ Stevie kick. When Kaz tries for it though, Richards counters into some kind of crazy combination. Rhino and Storm tag in and Rhino is a house of fire, spearing Storm in the corner and hitting a belly to belly suplex before taking it to all five members of Fortune.

Rhino plants Storm with a suplex, but when he goes for the gore, Roode distracts him and AJ hits a springboard dive that sets up Rhino for a near fall. Roode tags in and ends up spat at by Sabu. Roode hits a snap mare on Rhino and follows up with a flipping neckbreaker. Kaz tags in to the mat, and locks in a rear chin lock, and Raven just walks into the ring to break it up. Storm tags in to the match and stomps away on Rhino before snap maring him over and locking in a rear chin lock on his own. Rhino is able to fight up to his feet, but Storm jerks him down to the mat by the hair. Storm smacks Rhino across the face and sends him across the ring, where he follows up with an enzugiri that’s good for two.

Storm goes to the top turnbuckle, but Rhino stops him and shoulders him into a fallaway slam. Sabu and Styles make their way into the match and Sabu is the next to take it to all members of Fortune. Sabu sets up a chair in the middle of the ring and uses it to launch himself to the outside on top of three members of Fortune. Sabu tries to hit a superplex on Styles, but misses, avoids a spingboard 450 and hits a big DDT. Styles tags out to Williams who hits a top rope European suplex. Everyone gets a turn at the wheel hitting something in the middle of the ring as everything begins to break down.

The finish:

Sabu throws a chair into Storm’s face, and crotches Styles on the top rope. Styles catches him trying for a top rope hurricarana, Styles jumps down to the mat, and hits a Styles clash. Styles pins Sabu, and this one is over.

Winners: Fortune

Fortune stand on the ramp and wave goodbye to Sabu. Sabu looks frustrated in the middle of the ring. Ric Flair makes his way out to the entrance ramp with a mic. He asks the crowd to pay homage to Fortune. Flair says one of the fools in EV2 is going to lose the favor of Fortune. Flair says he didn’t like the Sheik, so Sabu is out of here, and he’s fired. Flair say us in the weeks to come, the others will be gone too. Sabu charges Flair, and the members of EV2 are forced to hold him back. RVD and Dreamer make their way out to the ring to say goodbye to Sabu. Dreamer asks for a mic.

RVD grabs the mic and says this sucks. He says that this is evidence that sometimes what RVD wants just isn’t good enough. Dreamer says if there was ever anyone who deserved to be a multimillionaire for what he put his body through, it’s Sabu. Dreamer says the people here tonight can tell their grandchildren that they saw Sabu in a ring doing what he does. Everyone gets their hugs in, and Sabu still doesn’t look too happy about it.

Christy Hemme is backstage with Pope and a ton of other people, who are introduced as his congregation. Pope says he made one call, and the rest of the flock followed. Pope names off a bunch of people, and says he even brought his very own brother here tonight to be on his side. He says he hasn’t given too much thought to Abyss until tonight, and calls him a p*ss stain on TNA’s carpet, and Pope is going to remove that stain. Pope says it’s better to be p*ssed off, than p*ssed on, and tonight, Pope is p*ssed. The camera cuts over, and Mickie and Tara are shown getting into it yet again. The congregation is forced to break things up. The congregation leaves, and Rayne comes in from behind and hits James with the belt. Madison and Tara scream at Mickie and leave her laying.

Lumberjack Match
– Abyss vs. “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero

We get a video package of the events leading up to this match, including Pope’s alignment with Kevin Nash and Sting, and occurrences over the past few weeks. Abyss is the first man out to the ring, to a bit of a mixed reaction from the Impact Zone. Pope is out next, accompanied by the members of his congregation.

The start:

Pope takes it right to Abyss in the corner with punches and kicks, but Abyss is able to push him off. Pope continues to fight, and even fights out of a chokeslam. Pope dropkicks Abyss to the outside, and Abyss rolls right back in before the congregation can get to him. Abyss is able to send Pope into the corner, but he misses a splash, only to be splashed by Pope. Pope goes for, and connects with another splash in the corner. Abyss sends Pope over the top rope to the outside, and he’s caught by the congregation. Pope tries to come back in with a sunset flip but Abyss stays on his feet, Pope avoids a sitting Abyss. Pope goes to the top and connects with a clothesline, taking Abyss off his feet. Pope sends Abyss to the outside with a clothesline over the top, and the congregation is quick to send Abyss back into the ring. Pope hits Abyss with a series of rights but runs right into a big boot.

Mid-match notes:

Abyss traps Pope in the corner and tears off the tape around Pope’s ribs. Abyss hits him with a punch right to the gut, and Pope responds with a head butt. Abyss puts Pope right back down to the mat and comes back with a series of stomps to the chest. Abyss sends Pope hard into the corner and follows up with a big splash that flattens Pope. Abyss picks Pope up to his feet and catches him in a big bear hug, trying to wear down Pope.

Pope fights out of it by clapping his arms around Abyss’ head, but he runs right into another bear hug. The congregation helps get the crowd more into the match, and Pope tries to get out of the hold, only to have Abyss knee him in the gut. Abyss tries for the black hole slam, but Pope is able to reverse it into a big DDT. Both men get to their feet and Pope lays into Abyss with a series of strikes and a running forearm, and clothesline in succession. Inverted atomic drop from the Pope is followed by a big shoulder block. Pope ducks a series of swings from Abyss and takes Abyss down to his knees. Pope wails away on Abyss with a combination of punches and a series of right hands to the head.

Pope hits his signature corner elbow drop and pins Abyss for a two count. Pope works over Abyss in the corner, burying his shoulder in Abyss’ midsection. Abyss is quick to come back though when he catches Pope with the shock treatment backbreaker, but it’s only good for a two count. Abyss calls for the chokeslam, and he attempts it, but Pope fights out of it and hits the 4Up, sending Abyss to the outside. The congregation scatters when Pope launches himself to the outside on top of Abyss. The congregation roll Abyss into the ring and pick Pope up to his feet. Pope goes up to the top rope, and he jumps off with a flying head butt to Abyss’ shoulder. Pope goes for the pin but can still only get two.

The finish:

Pope throws everything he has at Abyss in terms of strikes with punches and backhands before jumping on Abyss’ back and neck and sliding out to the floor. The congregation congratulate Pope, and Bischoff is out at the top of the ramp, rubbing his fingers together in a money sign. Pope looks confused and he’s attacked from behind by his brother, and then the rest of the congregation. Pope’s brother is the man to roll him back in the ring to Abyss, and Pope turns around right into a black hole slam. Abyss pins Pope, and this one is over.

Winner: Abyss

Abyss celebrates, and the congregations make their way out with the monster while throwing their sunglasses back toward the Pope.

Christy Hemme is backstage and she asks for a word from Sabu but Stevie Richards says no. Richards has a word for Fortune, and he says he’s tired of breaking up the fights, he’s challenging AJ Styles to a match this Thursday on Impact.

Singles Match
– Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe

We get a video package detailing the events of the past few weeks that have led up to this match. Jeff Jarrett is the first man out to the ring, and he doesn’t really get much of a reaction at all from the Impact Zone, although it is mostly negative what he does get.

Jeff Jarrett is the first man out to the ring, and he doesn’t really get much of a reaction at all from the Impact Zone, although it is mostly negative what he does get. Jarrett grabs a mic and hypes how on 10/10/10 the Immortals were revealed, and over the past month they’ve taken down everyone who’s got in their way, and tonight, the founder is going to finish off Samoa Joe. And as far as selling out, Jarrett, Bischoff, Hogan, Hardy, and the entire crew of Fortune bought in, and they’re taking control of the company. Jarrett says he’ll shut the entire show down and the crowd won’t see Jeff Hardy tonight. As Jarrett makes his way to the back he’s stopped cold by Samoa Joe’s music.

Joe makes his way out to the ring and forces Jarrett to backpedal to the ringside area. Jarrett is apprehensive, but he slowly makes his way into the ring.

The start:

The bell rings and Joe is staring daggers toward Jarrett. We get a lock up from both men and Joe takes Jarrett into the corner. Jarrett is able to escape out of it. Jarrett tries to lock up Joe from behind, but Joe takes him down to the mat. Joe misses an elbow drop, and both men stare each other down.

Mid-match notes:

Jarrett goes behind again and Joe is able to turn it into a snap mare. We get a bit of chaining between both men, but Joe ends it with a running high knee. Joe lays into Jarrett with a couple of rights to the face, then the kidneys. Joe hits a splash, and a beautiful enzugiri type kick to Jarrett before choking away at him with his boot and catching him with a series of face washes. Jarrett is able to stop Joe and rake his face across the ring rope, but Joe comes right back with a quick forearm smash.

Joe is just taking it to Jarrett, pounding on him, and Jarrett is able to take Joe into the corner and hit a series of shoulder blocks. Joe hits Jarrett with a series of Kobashi chops in the corner and Jarrett’s chest is beet red. Jarrett fights out of a suplex and locks in an ankle lock on Joe. Jarrett goes to the outside and grabs a chair, but the ref is quick to take it away. Back in the ring Jarrett goes up and connects with a first drop. Another attempts and Joe blocks it, responding with a clothesline.

Joe hits Jarret with a couple of right hands, and inverted atomic drop, big kick and back splash. Joe shoulders Jarrett, but Jarrett fights out of it and is able to connect with the stroke. Jarrett goes for the pin but only gets two. Joe is able to respond with an exploder suplex, and he follows it up by seating Jarrett on the top turnbuckle. Joe goes for a superplex, but Jarrett is able to fight it off and snap Joe’s neck across the top rope. Jarrett puts Joe on the top turnbuckle, and connects with a stroke from the middle rope. Another cover, and Joe still kicks out at two.

Jarrett goes for the chair again, and he and the ref argue over it. Joe goes for and connects with the elbow suicide, taking out both Jarrett and the ref. Joe rolls Jarrett into the ring, and seats Jarrett on the top turnbuckle. Security run down to the ring and Joe fights them off, hitting the muscle buster on one. Jarrett goes to the outside and grabs a night stick, taking it to the back of Joe’s knee, then jabbing it into Joe’s throat, and using it to choke out the big man. Jarrett chokes Joe while one of the security guys chokes Joe.

The finish:

Jarrett puts Joe in the rear naked choke as security throws the ref into the match. The ref picks Joe’s hand up and drops it down three times, leading to the end of the match by KO.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett

Christy Hemme is backstage with Eric Bischoff and the congregation. Bischoff calls them the brotherhood of the Immortals. Bischoff talks to Pope’s brother, calling Pope a douche bag. Bischoff puts on a pair of Pope’s glasses, and some of the congregation drape him in chains.

TNA Championship Match
– Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Morgan

We get a video package detailing the events leading up to this match, featuring a lot of profanity laden promo footage of Jeff Hardy. Matt Morgan is the first man out to the ring, and he gets a pretty nice reaction from this Impact Zone crowd. Jeff Hardy is out next, and he still gets a giant reaction from the crowd, despite him being a heel, and having such a terrible self-sung theme song. We get formal ring introductions from JB, and after much stalling, it’s finally time to kick off the main event of the evening.

The start:

The bell rings, and we’re ready to kick things off for this final match of the evening. We get a lock up and Morgan simply tosses Hardy away. Hardy rolls to the outside and recovers for a bit before coming back in. Hardy ducks another lock up, and eats a big elbow instead, putting him right back down.

Mid-match notes:

Hardy kicks Morgan in the midsection and pounds on him, but Morgan shrugs off a shoulder block and Hardy ends back on the mat. Hardy is able to rake the eyes of Morgan and goes to work on the leg, but Morgan grabs Hardy by the throat and tosses him over the top rope to the outside. Hardy is slow to get to his feet, but when he does he stalls getting back into the ring, and spits into the face of Morgan. Morgan goes to the outside and chases after Hardy. Hardy rolls back in and tries for an elbow drop, but he misses.

Morgan clubs down across Hardy’s chest before pulling him to the floor. Morgan rolls Hardy back into the ring and tries for a pin but he only gets two. Morgan tries for a leg drop but Hardy avoids it and hits a dropkick before turning his attention back to Morgan’s leg. Hardy kicks away at Morgan before hitting him with a low clothesline that’s good for a one count. Hardy tries for some kind of weird leg submission that doesn’t look too painful, but he turns it over into a single leg crab,pounding on Morgan’s knee all the while. Morgan crawls toward, and is able to make it to the ropes and force a break of the hold.

Hardy continues to work over the leg, propping it on the bottom rope and crashing down on top of it repeatedly. Hardy hits a knee drop that’s good for a near fall, and follows it right up with a rear chin lock. Morgan is able to fight up to his feet, but Hardy beats him back down. Morgan is quick to come back with a series of blows and clotheslines before ripping Hardy’s shirt off. Morgan hits a discus clothesline but it’s still only good enough for a two count. Morgan picks Hardy up to his feet, but Hardy responds with a DDT that’s good for a near fall of his own.

Hardy goes to the middle rope and jumps off, but Morgan catches him,and executes a big chokeslam that’s good for a two count. Morgan gets back up to his feet and drags Hardy up, but Hardy hits a low blow on Morgan and follows up with a twist of fate that’s good for a near fall. Hardy stomps away at Morgan’s head before laying into him with repeated rights. Hardy walks right into a bicycle kick, but Hardy kicks him accidentally, and the ref calls it a two count. It’s pretty sloppy. Morgan and the ref argure for a bit, and Morgan reaches down and picks Hardy up to his feet. Hardy hits the twist of fate and goes for another cover but still only gets two.

The finish:

Hardy charges Morgan in the corner but Morgan avoids it. Morgan hits Hardy with a head butt and a big right hand before seating him on the top turnbuckle. Hardy is able to fight Morgan off and connect with the whisper in the wind. Another twist of fate from Hardy and this one is enough to keep Morgan down for a three count.

Winner & STILL TNA World Champion: Jeff Hardy

Hardy celebrates with his title, and Fortune come out with champagne bottles in hand. Fortune douse Hardy in champagne as Williams and Roode get him on their shoulders and black, red and yellow confetti rains down. Flair gets ‘Iced’ by AJ Styles, and he takes a knee to drink it, downing it in one go. The heels end the PPV drinking in the ring, and celebrating with the World Champion.

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