Bound For Glory 2018 Results

Impact Wrestling’s Bound For Glory took place October 14th, 2018 from the Melrose Ballroom in New York City.

Rich Swann & Willie Mack defeated Matt Sydal & Ethan Page

Swann announced Mack as his partner this week on Impact after Page and Sydal challenged him to find someone to face them at the PPV. Swann pinned Sydal with a Phoenix Splash after a fast-paced opener. Mack cut a promo after, encouraging fans to make noise and running a sponsorship promo giving two fans front row seats.

  • Konnan was shown beat up in the back. He said King attacked him.

Eli Drake defeated James Ellsworth

James Ellsworth answered Drake’s Open Challenge. He was not well received and booed heavily. Fans cheered for Drake, who defeated him quickly with Gravy Train.

Drake cut a promo after saying he wanted stiffer competition, which brought out Abyss. The recently inducted Hall of Famer gave Drake the Blackhole Slam and a chokeslam through a table. 

Knockouts Championship
Tessa Blanchard © defeated Taya Valkyrie

Valkyrie looked to have Blanchard beat after giving her the Road to Valhalla but the referee was momentarily out of position, allowing Taya to kick out. Blanchard hit her Buzzsaw DDT but Taya kicked out. She then hit a codebreaker from the top rope and got the pin.

Eddie Edwards and Tommy Dreamer defeated Moose and Killer Kross

This match was originally scheduled to be Moose vs Edwards but after Kross interfered and Dreamer made the save, it was turned into a tag match. Edwards won with a roll-up on Moose. After the match, Kross and Moose kept up the attack, delivering a powerbomb onto the ring apron to Edwards. 

Sami Callihan & OVE defeated Brian Cage and the Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr and Fenix)

Sami Callihan became the first person in Impact to pin Brian Cage here. Fenix had been thrown from the top onto the stage ramp and Callihan gave Pentagon a piledriver on the apron, leaving Cage alone with OVE. After the trio gave Cage a series of superkicks, Callihan delivered his Cactus Driver and got the pin. This will likely lead to Callihan vs Cage for the X-Division title sometime in the future, likely in the coming days of television tapings.

Concrete Jungle Deathmatch
Konnan & LAX defeated King and the OGZ

This match consisted of no mat on the ring, exposed boards, and exposed turnbuckles. Konnan was not there to start the match. Lots of weapons, brawling, and a few table spots. Then they actually started taking big bumps on the exposed boards as well. After everyone was down after a big superplex spot, Konnan came out and brawled with King. LAX then hit Street Sweeper for the win.

Allie Rescues Kiera Hogan From the Undead Realm (W/ Rosemary’s Help)

James Mitchell arranged for Allie’s safe passage into the undead realm and we got a rather intense Final Deletion style mini-movie here. Allie started her trip into the undead realm by killing several undead bridesmaids with an ax. She then found Hogan in a coffin but Su Yung was not far behind.  Yung and Allie then had an ax fight but Allie eventually rescued Hogan from the coffin and got away. James Mitchell then revealed he would not grant them passage out of the undead realm. Rosemary then showed up to fend off Su Yung with some sorcery and black magic feasible only in the undead realm. So both Rosemary and Su Yung are still in the undead realm but Allie and Kiera Hogan are out.

The company then announced their next PPV in Nashville:

Impact World Championship
Johnny Impact defeated Austin Aries (c)

In the days leading up to this match, they started to blur the lines between reality and fiction through social media. They kept the theme up in this match by starting with a realistic MMA approach and stiff looking shots. The stiffness kept up throughout most of the match. Taya was at ringside for Johnny and Kross and Moose were there for Aries. In the closing moments, Aries was sent to the ropes and ended up doing a suicide dive into Taya. Johnny then capitalized on that by hitting Aries with his own brainbuster, followed by Starship Pain for the win.

The show closed with Johnny and Taya celebrating.

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