Mark Haskins Talks Calf Injury, Embarrassing Moments and more

Ring of Honor star Mark Haskins was recently interviewed by the company, discussing a variety of topics. Haskins recently signed for the company alongside the likes of PCO, Brody King and Bandido. The former PROGRESS World Champion talked about his recent calf injury, embarrassing in ring moments and more.

When asked about his injury, Haskins responded “It happened mid-match at a live event. I took a kick to the calf and it twinged a little, nothing too major. I thought nothing of it. I finished the match and then as I’m strolling around backstage I realized I was in a tremendous amount of pain, which wasn’t fun.”

Haskins was also asked what the best advice he had received whilst training. Mark stated “Keep your mouth shut and your eyes and your ears open. Quite a few people told me that. Looking back, maybe they just wanted me to be quiet. Oh well, it ended up being sound advice in the end, as I learned a lot.”

Finally, Haskins was asked what the most embarrassing moment he has ever had in-ring. Haskins responded that there’s “Eurgh, so many. Once Dalton Castle tried to deadlift German suplex me and he squeezed me so tight I farted down his chest.”

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