Pro Wrestling Syndicate Gets All Fired Up with Many Recently Released WWE Stars

Pro Wrestling Syndicate, a premiere independent promotion based in Rahway, New Jersey held one of its monthly events with what turned out to be a giant load of recently released WWE stars. With its title All Fired Up, PWS provided wrestling fans with quality matches and segments that included former WWE stars Curt Hawkins (Brian Myers), Brodus Clay (Monstrous BC) and even Ricardo Rodriguez. The surprises didn’t end there.

The show started with PWS mainstay Kevin Matthews (a former WWE developmental superstar) against Myers. While the former Hawkins ended up losing to Matthews, what happened after the match shocked every fan in attendance. Mr. McMahon’s No Chance in Hell music hit and out came someone with long hair that was covered by a McMahon mask and suit strutted down to ringside. The man reminded Myers and Matthews that he fired both of them. However, the man and Myers would attack Matthews and reveal McMahon as Myers’ former partner, Tyler Reks.


Myers delivered a promo that made it clear he was a heel – he discussed how he and Reks had performed at Madison Square Garden and the Rahway Rec Center was nowhere near the same. This heel persona carried on throughout the former WWE stars who appeared in the ring, including Brodus Clay and Ricardo Rodriguez.

Alberto Del Rio’s former ring announcer played the role of Clay’s manager. PWS has a character by the name of the Jewasaurus who came out to Clay’s Somebody Call My Mama music. Shortly after, Rodriguez and Clay made their way out. It seemed as though the Funkasaurus would join his Jewish counterpart in a dance. However, Clay attacked him before facing independent wrestler, Homicide.

The show, like many other independent wrestling events, was filled with other stars in attendance. Ricky the Dragon Steamboat was the guest commissioner. Vader was a timekeeper for one match too. Rob Van Dam, Road Warrior Animal, Bobby Lashley, Zeke Jackson, Earl Hebner and Glacier were there too.


Even Balls Mahoney made an appearance. In fact, Mahoney and Glacier both participated in PWS’ On the Spot Title Shot battle royal. It is basically PWS’ Money in the Bank match, but more like a Royal Rumble.

The Rumble was won by PWS star Fallah Bahh. The man is huge and his character resembles former WWE Champion Yokozuna. It looks like PWS has big plans for their own yokozuna (the word means a grand champion sumo wrestler).

Brian Myers made appearances in the crowd at past PWS shows, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see him continue to be a member of their roster. Matthews was not happy with Myers and Reks and may look for retribution at the next PWS event.

For more information about Pro Wrestling Syndicate, please check out their website. They are trying to raise enough money to produce, edit and distribute an hour long episodic show on television. Consider making a donation or attend their next show on Halloween night.

Are you a Pro Wrestling Syndicate fan? If so, what are your thoughts on the show? If not, are you interested in attending one of their shows? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Seth Guttenplan is a math and computer technology teacher for special education students in New Jersey. In his free time, Seth writes about wrestling. Follow Seth on twitter @sethgutt

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