TNA Hardcore Justice Pay-Per-View Results

TNA HardCORE Justice 2011 PPV Results
Sunday, August 7th, 2011 from Orlando
Recap Courtesy of

X Division Title Match: Brian Kendrick vs Alex Shelley vs Austin Aries

Brian Kendrick has new entrance music reminiscent of his old ROH music, and is wearing Neidhart pants. I love it! Aries cheapshots both men but gets laid out by Shelley and Kendrick and is clotheslined to the floor. Shelley and Kendrick cautiously circle one another before going to a mat wrestling sequence. Shelley with a modified crucifix for 2, and takes a glance down at Aries on the floor to make sure he doesn’t try anything untoward. Wristlock exchange leads to Shelley picking the ankle of Kendrick and going for a Texas Cloverleaf, but Aries runs in and Shelley drops the hold to chop him back out to the floor. Aries gets back on the apron, so Shelley pops him in the face and puts him back out to the floor again. Aries tries to come in yet again, and winds up on the receiving end of an inverted atomic drop/leg lariat combo from Kendrick and Shelley, and then Shelley rolls Kendrick up for 2. Shelley goes for a vertical suplex on Kendrick, but Aries slips in and saves Kendrick and rakes the back of Shelley. This, for some reason, leads to Shelley getting angry at Kendrick and going to a forearm exchange. Kendrick drills Shelley out to the floor but Aries blindsides Kendrick with a clothesline and puts the boots to him, then baseball slides Shelley off the apron and covers Kendrick for 2. Aries with a figure four stump puller on Kendrick, then drops the hold to knock Shelley off the apron yet again and then awkwardly backdrop Kendrick to the floor, with Kendrick appearing to catch his leg on the apron on the way down. Shelley sunset flips his way back in, but Aries hits an STO and then goes for the pendulum elbow, but stops to knock Kendrick off the apron and then dump Shelley through the ropes right on top of Kendrick. Aries is getting a big reaction from the crowd as he hits a heat seeking missile through the ropes, then rolls Shelley back in and hits a twisting splash over the ropes for 2. Aries goes for a Lionsault, but Shelley gets the knees up and Kendrick hits a leg lariat to the jaw of Aries. Shelley hooks Kendrick in a Crippler Crossface, but Kendrick makes the ropes, so Shelley nails him with the sole butt and goes for Sliced Bread #2, Kendrick shoves him off but Shelley hits a leg whip through the ropes and goes up top. Aries nails him and pulls him down to the apron, but Shelley superkicks Aries off the apron and goes back to the top where Kendrick nails him and follows him up. Shelley shoves Kendrick off and hits a top rope splash, then traps Kendrick in an inverted figure four. Aries comes in and rakes his boot across the eyes of Shelley to break the hold, then rams both men to opposite corners and hits a running bulldog on Shelley before locking him in the Last Chancery. Kendrick breaks the hold, so Aries hits him with the shinbreaker/suplex combo and then goes for the IED, but Kendrick gets the boot up and hits a running boot on Aries for 2. Kendrick tries Sliced Bread #2, Aries blocks and tries a top rope suplex, but Shelley nails him and gets Aries on his shoulders, Kendrick tried Sliced Bread #2 but lost his balance, so Aries hits the shinbreaker/suplex combo on Shelley, dropkicks Kendrick to the floor, then hits Shelley with the IED and brainbuster for 2. Kendrick suddenly runs in and hits Sliced Bread #2 on Aries on top of Shelley and then pins Shelley for the win.

Winner: Brian Kendrick

Solid opener, I’m a little surprised to see Kendrick retain, but glad to see him hold onto the title.

Tenay and Taz discuss tonight’s main event between Sting and Kurt Angle, then we go to the back where Jeremy Borash is with Tara and Miss Tessmacher, who say that it’s become personal because of the way Sarita and Rosita jumped them in the parking lot. Tessmacher disfigured Sarita becuase she did what she had to do in the parking lot, and Tara says no matter what, they’re leaving the ring with the title.

Knockouts Tag Team Title Match: Tara & Miss Tessmacher vs Sarita & Rosita

Referee Earl Hebner kicks both Hernandez and Anarquia out of ringside, so it’s just the four girls. Rosita gets right in Tara’s face, so Tara just pops her into the corner and unloads with a big right hand. Rosita tags right out to Sarita, who comes off the ropes and gets elevated into a backdrop. Tessmacher comes in and gets popped into the air, but comes down with an armdrag and then gets a top wristlock on Rosita and takes her to the corner so Tara can come in and overpower Rosita. Rosita comes out of the corner with a flying headscissors, but charges Tara in the corner and eats her boot. Rosita Tullys Tara to the floor and then distracts the referee while Sarita hits a rolling senton off the apron and rolls her back in the ring so Rosita can cover for 2. Tara tags out and Tessmacher comes in with a back suplex and a running dropkick for 2. Sarita tags in, and Tessmacher gets a knee to the midsection and covers for 2, but Rosita nails her from the outside and Sarita drops her on her face. Sarita gleefully tosses Tessmacher around with hiplocks and hair tosses as Taz references Candy Devine of all people, and then Sarita slingshots Rosita off the ropes and onto Tessmacher for 2. Sarita, who is neither Mexican nor American, gets rolled up for 2, then Tessmacher tags out to Tara, who comes in and cleans house on both girls. Rosita tries to interfere, but Tessmacher nails her and Tara wipes Sarita out with a clothesline, but Sarita gets a double chicken wing and drops Tara right on her shoulder in a really nasty spot. Rosita neutralizes Tessmacher on the floor as Sarita covers Tara for 2, then Sarita tosses Tara across the ring in brutal fashion, but Tara wipes both Mexican Americans out with a double clothesline. Tara tries the Widow’s Peak but Rosita reverses to a rollup and holds Sarita’s hands from the outside, but Tessmacher nails Sarita and Tara kicks out at 2. Tara press slams Rosita, and Rosita tries to make the hot tag, but now Tessmacher yanks Sarita off the apron, dropping her on her face on the apron, and Tara hits the Widow’s Peak on Rosita for the win.

Winners: Tara & Miss Tessmacher

We go to the back where Jeremy Borash is with the Pope, and Pope says that he’s been trying to talk to Devon and his kids and is trying to tweet to everybody that he’s trying to do it right tonight. He doesn’t know what Devon’s problem is because all Pope wants to do is the right thing, and he knows it’s going to be intense because this is a Bound For Glory Series match, but Pope’s going to go out there and do the right thing tonight.

We look at the Bound For Glory Series board, and Crimson is still in first place with RVD in second and Devon in fourth with the chance to move into a tie for first if he can catch a submission on Pope tonight.

Matt Morgan comes out to do commentary on the next match, then we’re off the the ring for…

Bound For Glory Series: The Pope vs Devon

The bell rings, but before they make contact, Pope gets a microphone and tells Devon that he respects him and he gave Devon seven points a few weeks ago for a reason, because his relationship with Devon, his kids, and their mother means a lot to him. If it means that much to Devon, he’ll prove that this means more than beating each other’s brains out. Pope lays down, but Devon tells him he’s going to get his seven points, but he’s going to tkae it out of Pope’s ass and to get up and give the fans what they came to see.

Pope gets to his feet, and we have a match on our hands. Pope has an “Okay, you asked for it!” look on his face as he comes at Devon, but Devon gets a shoulderblock and then a clothesline, and Pope tries to pull Devon on top of him to give him the win, but Devon pulls himself off Pope and smacks him in the face, asking what’s wrong with him. Devon wiht an armwringer, Pope reverses to a wristlock of his own and chain wrestles around Devon and catches him with a flying forearm. Pope with an armbar on Devon and rams a knee to the gut and then comes off the ropes with a forearm to the back and an elbowdrop. Devon comes back with a hiptoss and an armdrag, then a flying back elbow for 2. Devon with a big bodyslam and a diving headbutt off the ropes for 2, Pope rolls to the apron but Devon rams him off to the floor and then goes to the floor after him, he tries a charge but Pope moves and Devon hits the ringpost. Pope grabs his chain and goes to hit Devon with it, but Devon’s kids talk him out of dropping the chain, and Devon nails him out of nowhere and rolls him back inside and covers for 2. Devon gets a powerslam for 2, but charges Pope in the corner and Pope gets a hard boot up, then an inverted atomic drop and flying shoulderblock for 2. Pope is absolutely destroying Devon with elbows and a reverse chop, then hits the diving straddle through the ropes, and goes up top and hits a flying bodypress on Devon for 2. Devon comes off the ropes with a flying shoulderblock, but he misses another charge and Pope nails him and goes for the DDE, but stops short and lets Devon spear him and cover for 2. Devon goes for a chokeslam, but Pope slips out the back and rolls Devon up for 3.

Winner: The Pope

Pope extends his hand to Devon after the match, but Devon just blows him off and walks away. Devon sees his sons on the outside, and comes back in to shake Pope’s hand and then leaves. Pope moves into 8th place with 17 points now.

Jeremy Borash is backstage with another participant in the Bound For Glory Series, as RVD has the opportunity to be the first man to beat Crimson and take first place in the Series. Jerry Lynn comes in and says that he got in the ring with RVD last month, but wants to be in RVD’s corner tonight. I smell screwjob!

We see a video package recapping the Winter & Angelina vs Mickie James feud leading into tonight’s title match.

Knockouts Title Match: Mickie James vs Winter

Winter tries to sneak a rollup right off the bell, but only gets 1. Micke responds with a legwhip and tries to tie Winter into a modified Indian Deathlock, but Winter manages to escape. Winter tries a rollup, but Mickie blocks and get a sliding sunset flip for 2. Mickie with some hard right hands, but Angelina distracts from the floor and allows Winter to get a knee to the ribs. Mickie dropkicks Winter’s knees out from under her and then hits a diving dropkick to the face and Winter tumbles out to the floor. Mickie holds the ropes and invites Winter back in, but Winter refuses so Mickie goes out after her and gets distracted by Angelina, allowing Winter to ram her into the ringpost and dump her into the crowd. Mickie slowly picks herself up and goes back over the rail to ringside, and Angelina Love comes running in with a punt to the midsection. Winter with a double chickenwing, but Mickie escapes and gets a jackknife rollup for 2. Winter rolls out of the hold and chokes Mickie, then gets a side backbreaker and holds Mickie, draping her over her knee. Mickie escapes with kneestrikes to the skull of Winter, but Winter stomps her back down in the corner and chokes her with her boot. Mickie comes back with a flying headscissors out of the corner and a series of clotheslines, followed by a flapjack and a Thesz Press off the top. Angelina sneaks in behind the referee’s back and hits a weird neckbreaker over the knees thing and Winter covers Mickie for 2. Winter tries a spinning slam but Mickie slips out and gets an O’Connor roll for 2. Mickie comes out fo the corner with a tornado DDT, but Winter rolls out to the floor, and Angelina tries to come back in and go after Mickie again, but Mickie gives her a neckbreaker and then goes after Winter, rolling her back in the ring, but Winter spews some kind of mist in Mickie’s face and covers her for the win.

Winner and NEW Knockouts Champion: Winter

And so Winter and finally finished her centuries-old quest to regain the affections of Angelina Love and win the Knockouts Title.

Jeremy Borash is backstage with Brian Kendrick, who is cut off mid-promo by Austin Aries, who says that tonight was a handicap match with Kendrick and Shelley double teaming him, but he didn’t beat him. Kendrick says he won the match, but Aries says Kendrick never beat him and can’t call himself a real champion until he beats him.

Bound For Glory Series: Crimson vs Rob Van Dam

Van Dam has Jerry Lynn in his corner at ringside. Crimson immediately powers RVD to the corner, RVD tries to dodge around him, but Crimson lays him out with a clothesline for 2. Crimson with a big bodyslam for 2, but RVD whips Crimson to the corner and follows in with a running spinkic and then Rolling Thunder. Crimson with a three quarter nelson with kneestrikes and then a rolling neckbreaker for 2. RVD fires back with some straight punches, but Crimson hits a T-bone suplex for 2. RVD rolls out to the floor and Crimson goes out after him, but RVD floors him with a spinning kick to the jaw out of nowhere. RVD goes back inside and plays to the crowd, but Crimson grabs his ankle and drags him back to the outside and lays him out with a clothesline, then rolls RVD back inside and covers for 2. Crimson continues beating RVD down and whips him hard into the corner and RVD just collapses to the mat and Crimson covers for another 2. Crimson with another three quarter nelson into a snapmare and an elbowsmash to the top of the head gets 2. Crimson goes back to the three quarter nelson, but RVD lays him out with another boot to the face and then hits a split legged moonsault for 2. RVD goes up top and tries a thrust kick off the ropes, but Crimson ducks out of the way and hits a Falcon Arrow suplex for 2. Crimson prepares to finish RVD and sends him to the ropes, but RVD comes back with another thrust kick to the chest followed by a stepover leg lariat. RVD pops up top the top rope and hits the Five Star Frogsplash, but takes too long to cover Crimson and only gets 2. Jerry Lynn looks flabbergasted at ringside that the frogsplash didn’t put Crimson away, and Crimson drills into RVD with a spear for 2. Crimson ducks a spinkick and hits the Red Sky, but Jerry Lynn runs in and nails Crimson during the count, and the referee calls for the DQ.

Winner by DQ: Crimson

Crimson shoves Lynn off and even RVD gets in Lynn’s face and the two of them argue. Lynn says he was just trying to help, and RVD asks how that was supposed to help him and that’s why he doesn’t have people come out to the ring with him. Now because of the DQ loss, RVD loses 10 points and drops way down the rankings while Crimson stays in first place.

Jeremy Borash is backstage with Ken Anderson, who says there’s only room for one asshole in Immortal, and that’s him.

Abyss, Scott Steiner & Gunner vs AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian

Kazarian and Gunner start and do a feeling out process, then Kazarian takes Gunenr down to the mat and controls him, then hits a dropkick to the jaw for 2. Gunner tags out to Scott Steiner and he poses until Kazarian gets an awkward crucifix for 2. AJ tags in and puts the boots to Steiner, but Steiner powers him to the corner and unloads with the heavy artillery. AJ and Daniels with a Double Goozle and Daniels covers Steiner for 2. After all these years, Daniels is back in the ring with the guy who broke his leg with a steel pipe. Abyss tags in and unloads on Daniels, but Daniels evades his grip and unloads with palmstrikes and goes for a springboard leg lariat, loses his balance, and barely hits it. Pandemonium breaks loose as everyone winds up in the ring and Fortune comes out on top with fast paced offense, and Daniels hits a running clothesline to the back of Abyss’ head for 2. Abyss simply picks Daniels up and slams him to the mat and Daniels rolls out to the floor, but Steiner comes after him and rams him into the guardrail, then does it again because he’s such a nice guy. Immortal takes turns laying a beating on Daniels and then Steiner hits a belly to belly suplex for 2, but Daniels hits a leaping enziguiri to Abyss and makes the hot tag to Kazarian, who comes in and goes to work on Abyss, hitting a springboard back elbow and a springboard splash for 2. Kazarian dumps Gunner to the floor and gets a springboard tornado DDT that sends Abyss to the outside as well, and Kazarian wipes both of them out with a dive to the floor. Now all six men are brawling out on the floor and Kazarian rolls Abyss back in and climbs up to the apron, but Steiner drags him back down and rams him into the barricade. Gunner drags a table out from under the ring and sets it up, but Daniels comes over to make the save and go after Gunner. The referee is frantically trying to get this back under control as Abyss works Kazarian over in the corner, then Steiner tags in and lays Kazarian out with a clothesline, elbowdrop, and the Steiner pushups. Steiner distracts the referee while Gunner chokes Kazarian from the floor, then Gunner tags in and goes toe to toe with Kazarian and wipes him out with a running back elbow for 2. Abyss comes in with body shots to Kazarian, but Kazarian with a slingshot DDT lays Abyss out and he makes the hot tag to AJ, who comes in and cleans house on Immortal, hitting a hammerlock back suplex on Gunner, leaping clothesline in the corner on Abyss, and knocks Steiner off the apron. AJ with a springboard crossbody for 2 on Abyss, he tries the Styles Clash, Abyss blocks and goes for a chokeslam, and AJ reverses to a victory roll for 2. AJ with the Pelle Kick to Abyss for 2, then Kazarian and Gunner come in thering and go at it. Daniels hits an STO on Gunner and hits the BME, but Steiner comes in and lays him out with a Flatliner, AJ wipes him out with a hard kick, then AJ goes up top but Gunner shoves him off onto the top rope. Gunner sets the table up on the floor and gets AJ in a fireman’s carry on the apron, but Daniels jumps up on the apron and breaks it up, but Gunner drives into Daniels and they go through the table instead. Back in the ring, AJ hits a Pelle Kick on Abyss and covers for 3.

Winners: Fortune

Daniels is in a lot of pain on the floor, and AJ goes out to check on him. Daniels says he wasn’t going to let AJ go through that table, but meanwhile in the ring, Steiner and Gunner are chewing Abyss out over the loss.

Jeremy Borash is backstage with Bully Ray, who says that there may be only room in Immortal for one asshole, and he says that asshole is him. Everyone makes mistakes, his was carrying Devon around for 15 years, Borash’s parents made one when they had him, and Hogan and Bischoff made one when they allowed Anderson into Immortal, and he’s going to correct that when he beats Anderson down really bad right here and now, and the last face Anderson’s going to see is his.

Bully Ray vs Ken Anderson

Ray sneaks up behind Anderson during his entrance, but Anderson knew he was there and stopped mid intro and started beating Ray down to the ground, finishes his intro, then cracks Bully Ray in the face with his mic. Anderson continues beating Ray down to ringside and rams him into the barricade, then continues drilling him in the face with right hands and rams him into the barricade yet again before ramming him back first into the ring apron. Anderson takes his t-shirt off and chokes Bully Ray with it, then rolls Ray into the ring and the bell rings to finally officially start the match.

Anderson rams Ray into the corner hard and follows him in with a clothesline, then tries a second charge and Ray gets his boot up and then rips his head off with a clothesline for 2. Ray hangs Anderson up in the corner and rams headbutts into Anderson’s chest and then lays into him with a hard chop. He gets right in Anderson’s face and goes “You gonna fight me, asshole? You gonna fight me, asshole? Go ahead and hit me right in the face!” before getting a side suplex for 2. He yells at Anderson that he told Hogan and Bischoff they made a mistake by bringing him into Immortal, but Anderson fires back with right hands until Bubba whips him into the ropes and hits a back elbow for 2. Bubba pulls Anderson’s kneepad off and locks Anderson into a neck vice and then starts gouging at Anderson’s face, but Anderson bites Bubba’s hand until Bubba clubs him with a big forearm and then plants him with a big vertical suplex. Anderson is on his knees and starts firing right hands at Bubba, who just drills him back in the face and goes for the Bubba Bomb, but Anderson slips out and plants Bubba with a DDT.

Anderson starts firing back on Bubba, but Bubba no-sells until Anderson runs him over with a clothesline and a running back elbow. Anderson with a rolling neckbreaker for 2 and then sets for the Mic Check, Bubba blocks and tries a clothesline, but Anderson with a spinning enziguri I didn’t know he was capable of for 2. Bubba with a uranage for 2 and then a running splash in the corner, then Bubba tries coming off the second rope with a senton, but Anderson moves and Bubba hits hard. Anderson goes up top and hits a Swanton for 2, and Bubba catches him on impact and rolls him into a cradle for 2. Anderson comes off the second rope and Anderson catches him in a Bubba Cutter for 2. Bubba goes for the chain but Anderson ducks and picks Bubba up in a fireman’s carry, but loses him and they tumble the mat where Anderson covers for a weak 2. Anderson goes up top, but Bubba yells “screw you” at Anderson and heads up the aisle. Anderson goes after Bubba and dumps him back into the ring and grabs Bubba’s chain. Bubba begs off, then hits a low blow and rolls Anderson up for the win.

Winner: Bully Ray

Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff are backstage chewing out Abyss for losing, and Bully Ray comes into the back and annoys Hogan by interrupting his lecture to talk about how badly he just beat Anderson up. Hogan says he’s out of here, and tells Abyss they can’t home with him.

World Tag Team Title Match: Beer Money vs Mexican America

Earl Hebner, much like earlier tonight, preemptively kicks Sarita and Rosita out of ringside. Anarquia makes a grab at Roode from the apron right off the bell and Hernandez nails Roode, but Roode runs him over with a hard clothesline and then tags in Storm, who comes in with a facebuster on his knee and a neckbreaker for 2. Anarquia tags in and gets hiptossed, then Beer Money with a double back elbow and a pair of kneedrops for 2. Anarquia tries a wild swing and Roode ducks it and gets a Fujiwara armbar, but Hernandez ocmes in and breaks it up, so Beer Money do a wishbone split on Anarquia instead. Storm with a running clothesline on Anarquia, then Roode trips Anarquia from the floor and Storm boots him in the head to send him to the floor. Storm with another boot to the head to Hernandez, then clotheslines him to the floor and runs into Roode, who backdrops him over the top and onto Anarquia on the floor. Storm rolls Anarquia into the ring and covers for 2, then Roode tags in and goes at it with Anarquia until Hernandez nails him from the outside and then he comes in and both members of Mexican America wipe Roode out with a double shoulderblock. Hernandez just tosses Storm across the ring by the neck and covers for 2, then Anarquia comes in and hits a double underhook suplex for 2. Hernandez nails Roode with a Mongolian chop, but Roode catches him coming off the ropes with a spinebuster and finally makes the hot tag to Storm, who comes in and absolutely decimates Anarquia with clotheslines and a big backdrop. Storm with an Air Raid Facebuster for 2 on Anarquia, then Roode comes in and they hit a double vertical suplex on Hernandez. They do the BEER…MONEY! chant and Storm sets Anarquia on the top rope and hits a top rope Frankensteiner, followed by a top rope splash from Roode for 2. Hernandez nails Storm from the outside and Anarquia rolls him up for 2, but Storm dropkicks Hernandez to the floor and Roode shoves Anarquia off the top rope right into a superkick from Storm, who covers Anarquia and gets the win.

Winners: Beer Money

Great match thanks entirely to Beer Money, and absolutely the right outcome. Mexican America didn’t seem quite able to hang with the champions here. Storm grabs the US flag and holds it high to a great reaction from the crowd.

Jeremy Borash is backstage with Kurt Angle, and Angle says that he’s never really beaten Sting, and to be the best ever, he needs to do that. Angle simply says that he won’t lose.

It’s main event time!

Impact Wrestling World Title Match: Sting vs Kurt Angle

They tie up and Sting goes right to the arm with a wristlock, and Sting has purplish tights on tonight, making him almost look like some bizarre cross between the Joker and the Riddler. Angle takes Sting down with a side headlock, but Sting comes back with a hiptoss and an armdrag and bars the arm. Sting comes off the ropes and takes Angle down with a shoulderblock, but Angle comes back with an armdrag of his own and now he bars the arm with his knee grinding into the side of Sting’s face for good measure. Sting regains his feet and rams Angle to the corner and then kicks his knee out from under him, then does it again. Angle sends Sting to the ropes and nails him with a back elbow, but Sting backdrops Angle to the floor and goes after him, ramming him into the ring steps. Sting follows that by ramming Angle into the barricade, then sends Angle back into the ring, but Angle hoists Sting up coming in and dumps him in a Samoan Drop. Angle mounts Sting with a rear chinlock, Sting tries to escape but Angle catches him coming off the ropes with a knee to the gut and a front backbreaker for 2, then goes back to the chinlock. Angle rams Sting back and forth from corner to corner, but Sting comes out the last time and lays Angle out with a clothesline and a DDT for 2. Angle catches Sting out of nowhere and dumps him with an overhead release suplex for 2, then he tries the Angle Slam, but Sting slips out the back and hits the Scorpion Deathdrop for 2. Now Angle ducks a wild swing and hits the rolling German suplexes and gets 2. Angle goes up top to try for the moonsault, but misses just like EVERY OTHER TIME HE’S EVER TRIED THAT MOVE. Sting capitalizes by hitting Angle with his own Angle Slam for 2, then gets Angle in the Scorpion Deathlock, but Angle makes it to the ropes. Angle collapses into the corner and Sting hits the Stinger Splash, but misses a second attempt and Angle hits the Angle Slam for 2. Angle charges Sting in the corner, but Sting moves and Angle crashes into the ringpost, and Sting hooks Angle’s own anklelock and drags Kurt back out to the middle of the ring. Angle makes the ropes and then quickly hooks Sting in his own Scorpion Deathlock and, in a nice touch, holds his own ankle in pain since he had been in his own hold for so long. Sting makes it to the ropes, so Angle goes back to the rolling German suplexes, Sting fights his way out and goes for a slam, but Angle rolls through and gets Sting back in an anklelock, and Sting counters to a victory roll for 2. Angle goes for a kick and Sting catches it, and the referee gets sandwiched between Sting and the ropes so when Angle went for an enziguiri, Sting ducked and the referee gets wiped out. Sting takes Angle out with a clothesline and now both men are down, and Hogan comes in the ring with a chair and goes to hit Sting. Angle grabs the chair out of Hogan’s hands and chases him out to the floor, then hits Sting with the chair and hits the Angle Slam and covers for the win.

Winner and NEW World Champion: Kurt Angle

Hogan and Angle have a staredown that really doesn’t tell us much.

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