Arn Anderson Comments On The NWA Bringing Back The TV Title

Arn Anderson recently addressed the NWA bringing back the TV title.

The National Wrestling Alliance held a tournament on Friday night to declare a new NWA TV Champion. Ricky Starks won the tournament and is now the first person to hold the title in decades. (NWA Hard Times PPV Results)

Arn Anderson on the NWA TV Championship

Arn Anderson is statistically-speaking the greatest TV Champion in NWA history. He is a former 4x NWA/WCW TV Champion and held the title for a record 877 combined days.

On the latest episode of his Arn Show podcast, The Enforcer commented on the NWA reviving the beloved championship.

“I’m happy for those guys,” Double-A said of the NWA. “They are doing well. It’s all a byproduct of ‘hey, a new era has begun.’ Times are changing and places are popping up with old concepts as well as new talent, new style, old thought processes as far as the old things that really worked and I think one of the old things that really worked is the television title. The whole premise I think is a good idea for featuring what we do and that’s wrestle.”

AA’s comments can be viewed in the player below:

Arn Anderson also spoke about what it was like being the TV Champion in a separate video:

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