Revolution Pro (Rev Pro) Committed To TV Tapings

Revolution Pro (Rev Pro) have only just finished their first of TV tapings, which took place in York Hall, Bethnal Green in London over the course of September 5th and 6th, but that hasn’t stopped them from engaging with curious fans who can’t wait for its release.

Today, the official Rev Pro Twitter account opened up to a Q+A session with its followers. Questions quickly turned to the tapings, the promotion’s future intentions and plans, and how the TV deal factors into their product going forward.

“We Believe We Have Made Some Mighty Fine TV”

When asked whether the TV deal was a “permanent thing” as opposed to a potential pilot to shop around to different networks, the Rev Pro account responded:

“[It being permanent is] the intention, yes, however will stress that nothing is permanent, like anything it has to work for all parties. We are going into this with a level head. However do believe we have made some mighty fine TV!”

Despite the initial set of tapings having only just been completed, another fan was eager to know when and where another set would take place.

When discussing the two-day tapings, another supporter wanted to know whether RPW would use their ‘bigger’ shows as a part of their TV run, or if the TV shows were their own dedicated products, intended to feed into the big shows like High Stakes, Global Wars, or Summer Sizzler.

On The Air

With all the excitement over the tapings still fresh, fans are excited to know when they can actually watch the final product when it debuts on Free Sports in the UK.

Rev Pro responded:

It’s reaffirming to see the commitment that those involved with Revolution Pro Wrestling are bringing to this television deal.

More competition can only further reinvigorate an industry already enjoying an undeniable upswing, and with programs like World of Sport once again on terrestrial screens across the UK, Rev Pro may offer up an engaging, entertaining alternative for British fans.

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