Mae Young Classic Results 9/19: Kaitlyn Shines In Return

The Mae Young Classic continued last night on the WWE Network. Matches 9-12 would air as the tournament enters the second half of the 1st round.

Mae Young Classic Results 9/19

Kaitlyn defeated Kavita Devi

Former Divas Champion Kaitlyn returned to WWE in victorious fashion last night. She defeated the Indian prospect, Kavita Devi.

Cole mentioned that Devi’s match with Dakota Kai in last year’s tournament generated 28 million views on YouTube. Fellow prospects Rinku Singh and Saurav Gurjar were shown sitting ringside and cheering for Devi.

Kaitlyn picked up the win with a spear.

Toni Storm defeated Jinny

There was some Australian unity displayed when Toni Storm made her entrance last night. The Iiconics were ringside and made a point of showing their support for Storm.

The “Fashionista” Jinny and Storm have met several times before, including one year at WrestleMania Axxess. Storm tied the all-time series between the two at 5 with the win. She hit a tiger driver (Storm Zero) for the win.

Xia Li defeated Karen Q

This martial arts focused contest featured two wrestlers from China. Karen Q has been competing for Ring of Honor as of late, whereas Xia Li is in the WWE developmental system. Li picked up the win with a flipping ax kick after Q missed a frog splash. She’ll face Deonna Purrazzo in the 2nd round.

Mia Yim defeated Allysin Kay

Yim has been the subject of some speculation as of late. She stepped into the ring last night to enter the Mae Young Classic for the 2nd straight year. For the second straight year, she made it past the 1st round as well. She took out the former Sienna with her finisher, Seoul Food.

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