The following is an excerpt from the latest Vince Russo blog, “Real Challenge Plaguing TNA.”
“From a philosophical view, I think both TNA and the WWE my be a bit “off” when it comes to the way they present their product in 2014 – that’s MY opinion. To me, it’s not “really” about the characters, or the storylines, or the in-ring wrestling – all of those things can be changed by next week – no big deal. To me, it’s about vision and direction. The “Attitude Era” was a vision, and a direction. Can today’s vision, or direction, really be described by either wrestling company as I write this? WHAT is their product and where do they see it going. However, even that is subjective. Even though I believe the product should go a certain way, who knows where the leaders of those companies feel the product should head? Because of who they are, and what they’ve experienced – they have different views and ideas. Nobody’s “right”, or “wrong”, it’s just their VIEW.
That’s why I like talking about FACTS. The FACTS are all that really matter. You hated me at WWE, WCW, and TNA – great, that’s your opinion – but – what do the FACTS say about my legacy? If we looked at all three companies and their numbers prior to me coming in – then leaving – what will they tell you? That’s really all that matters to me.
In my opinion, having worked there, what’s hindering TNA more than anything right now, are major factors that lay “outside” the ring. Again, the creative is all subjected, and can be adjusted — if need be – but the financials — the costs to operate — are FACTUAL, much like TV numbers.
For starters, and I don’t need to tell anybody this, including the brass at TNA — trust me, they know — the environment inside the “Impact Zone” is not ideal for what TNA is attempting to put across your TV screen every week. Universal Studios is a “tourist” attraction, so primarily, TNA is drawing “tourists” to watch IMPACT, not die-hard “wrestling fans”. The truth is, many of those people attending might just be wanting to get out from under the scorching Florida sun. As you know, attendance to IMPACT is free, so there is no cost if you’re just looking to stay in the shade for a few hours. But, this isn’t anything that anybody doesn’t know. We all see it every Thursday night. But, no one knows first hand how much an audience can affect your show than me.”
Check out the complete blog at