The Brooklyn Brawler was recently a guest on Prime Time with Sean Mooney where he talked about several professional wrestling topics. Brawler was able to work for WWE several times over the years, but the memories that stick out to him the most were his performances in Madison Square Garden.
His most memorable MSG experience was likely his WWE Title opportunity against Shawn Michaels. His journey to earning that match was a rather interesting one:
“Okay so we’re wrestling in Madison Square Garden and we’re having a battle royal. I’m in the battle royal but I’m just a guy to get thrown out, this and that. All of a sudden Ken Shamrock who was scheduled to win the battle royal got injured in her sternum, his chest he got injured,” Brawler said.
Shortly after the injury producers went to Vince McMahon and alerted him Shamrock couldn’t win the match because he was injured. McMahon decided to make the call to put Brawler over instead:
“Put Brooklyn Brawler over, he’s local.”
McMahon didn’t realize, however, that he promised the winner of the Battle Royal a shot at the WWE Title. Brawler reminded McMahon of this at the next MSG show, and The Chairman Of The Board responded with “You got your match.”
Initially Brawler was supposed to work with Bret Hart for the WWE Title, however, during that time The Montreal Screwjob had just occurred and Shawn Michaels was the new World Champion. At first Brawler believed that Michaels was going to refuse to work with him, but to his surprise HBK was very accepting of the idea and immediately began putting the match together with Brawler:
“His finish is the Superkick if I Superkicked him people would come unglued,” Brooklyn Brawler said. “What a match we had. It was the first Garden show with DX with Chyna and Triple H on the apron on the outside of the ring. Me and Shawn Michaels in Madison Square Garden. I remember The Undertaker walking into the room, into the dressing room and looking at the line-up and it shows me in the main event, he’s underneath me and he goes, ‘what the f–k is this?’
“That’s what he said. I just said, ‘it’s not me I didn’t do it!’ Because nobody wants heat with The Undertaker. But I tell ya, my career, you couldn’t even write this the way it happened. He’s kicking out at two-and-a-half and he’s selling and doing all these crazy moves,” Brawler said .
“I mean he made me look like a million bucks. I’m telling ya and then Triple H jumps on the apron and I pop him, nail him then Chyna comes in and gives me a Frankensteiner. I mean, it was great.”
You can listen to Brawler on Prime Time with Sean Mooney by clicking this link here.
H/T Wrestling Inc. for the transcriptions