Jeff Hardy’s Injury Status After Botched Spot During AEW Rampage

Jeff Hardy and Sammy Guevara’s match on AEW Rampage is getting attention for all the wrong reasons. A botched spot resulted in a lot of fear among fans that Hardy was injured. Now, we have the latest update on his health status.

Jeff Hardy’s Injury Status

During the AEW Rampage taping this week, Sammy Guevara executed a shooting star press, and unfortunately, his knee landed heavily on Hardy’s face. Although the incident appeared severe, Hardy confirmed he was alright, and the match continued with Guevara executing a GTH finisher.

According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Jeff Hardy sustained a broken nose but, fortunately, no concussion during his match taped on February 14th against Sammy Guevara for the February 16th Rampage show. 

Jeff Hardy suffered a broken nose but no concussion in his match taped 2/14 against Sammy Guevara for the 2/16 Rampage show. Guevara did a shooting star press and his knee landed hard on Hardy’s face. It looked bad but Hardy did say he was okay and they went right to Guevara doing a GTH finisher

What’s Next

It’s ironic that with all the risks Jeff Hardy takes, all he did was lay still on the mat this time. It was the Spanish God’s Shooting Star Press that did the damage. Hopefully, Hardy will not miss much time at all after this little setback.

AEW Rampage will reportedly kick off this week’s episode with Jeff Hardy vs Sammy Guevara. We will have to see how they cut everything together for television. 

This is better news for Jeff Hardy, because things could have been a lot worse. Still, a broken nose is no fun at all. SEScoops is sending our best to Hardy has a heals up.

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