Backstage News Regarding Significant Pay Issues In TNA

TNA talent are currently frustrated due to serious pay issues in the company.

According to, one source claims TNA is behind on payments by two pay periods while others are saying they are still owed money from February.

With TNA no longer running non-televised live events, talents are becoming more and more frustrated with the pay issues, with many of them having to supplement the income they do receive by working several dates on the independent scene.

Additionally, office talents in TNA are said to be behind by a few weeks as well. A different source claims TNA is not behind by two pay periods, but did admit that wrestlers are behind on receiving checks.

One source claims TNA has finally begun working on getting the pay issue under control this past week.

TNA no longer cuts checks in Nashville as they are now outsourced to a company based out of Dallas, Texas, where TNA’s parent company — Panda Energy — is located.

To make matters worse, Panda recently moved their offices and while that was going on, the department within TNA that handles checks completely shut down. This has led to a backlog on checks being issued to TNA.

Another issue that has added to the situation is the fact that TNA has recently taped several “One Night Only” pay-per-view events with non-TNA contracted talents. This left TNA being faced with a lot of payroll expenses while the company wasn’t generating revenue from the tapings that the One Night Only events were filmed at, as those shows won’t air on pay-per-view for several months. This has also led to checks for talents used on those shows being put on a backlog as well.

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