Windham Rotunda (Bray Wyatt) horror movie to begin filming this month

Former WWE Superstar Bray Wyatt (Windham Rotunda) is gearing up for his feature film debut.

Special makeup effects artist Jason Baker spoke to Alistair McGeorge of this week and provided the first details about this project.

“He’s a phenomenal collaborator, he’s become a really good friend, and we’re actually – you’re the first person that we’re publicly telling about. We’re starting a film at the end of the month.”

Baker worked closely with Windham Rotunda on his infamous WWE character, The Fiend. The two were spotted in Los Angeles just a few weeks ago.

Windham Rotunda’s Horror Debut

The Fiend
Nightmare fuel from Windham Rotunda

The untitled horror film will begin filming later this month in Tennessee.

“It’s a feature film and it’s something really new and different,” said Baker. “I’d say probably the best way to describe it is Ichi the Killer meets Xanadu.”

Windham Rotunda knows a thing or two about horror. Bray Wyatt, The Fiend and the Firefly Funhouse were dark characters that had a lot more backstory to dig into. WWE owns all that intellectual property, so wrestling fans should not expect this horror film to have anything to do with the Bray Wyatt character.

“We’re not using any of that – we’re going in a completely different direction, a whole new thing. It should be fun. Hopefully fans of horror and fans of Windham like it!”

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