Emperor Palpatine: Ronda Rousey Shares Damning Opinion of Former WWE Boss Vince McMahon

Ronda Rousey held nothing back in her recent estimation of Vince McMahon, following the ex-Chairman’s resignation from WWE. 

It’s been just under two months since McMahon’s second exit from wrestling’s top federation, this time due to Janel Grant’s damning lawsuit. Grant alleges she was sexually abused and trafficked by McMahon during her tenure with WWE. He has denied all allegations. 

Ronda Rousey on Vince McMahon

Our Fight by Ronda Rousey is the ex-Superstar’s second book and is due to be released next month. The former WWE Women’s Champion does not hold back in her take on the 78-year-old billionaire. 

In the memoir, Rousey calls McMahon the ‘Emperor Palpatine’ of wrestling, a nod to the Star Wars antagonist. She adds: 

It’s hard sometimes to know where the evil, unethical, slimeball character of Vince McMahon played out for the cameras ends and the actual questionably ethical, many times sued, and multiple times accused of sexual misconduct Vince McMahon begins.

That blurred line between character and reality is a recurring theme within the WWE Universe.”

Restricting Women

As an athlete who redefined what women could do in the world of MMA, the treatment of women is understandably an important theme in the book. When discussing WWE’s Premium Live Events, Rousey suggested that the ultra-conservative views of Saudi Arabia are something McMahon would like to replicate. 

“[PLEs are] held in major cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia, as well as now twice a year in Saudi Arabia, a nation that restricts the rights of women in a way that I’m certain Vince McMahon wishes he could.”

Positive Thoughts

While McMahon is lambasted in Rousey’s memoir, that doesn’t extend to everyone in the family. Rousey has much more positive words for McMahon’s son-in-law Triple H. 

“In addition to being my in-ring WrestleMania nemesis, he is arguably one of the best professional wrestlers in history and one of the better people on the business side.”

More Reading Material

Rousey’s book isn’t the only hotly-anticipated wrestling memoir set to be released. Next week, Rousey’s nemesis Becky Lynch will release her ‘The Man’ and the reviews so far have been glowing. Lynch’s new book even found its way to the White House when Lynch attended as part of the recent St. Patrick’s Day celebration. 

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