Book Excerpt – Lesnar Explains Why He Was Envious Of Kane

Brock Lesnar reveals in his autobiography Death Clutch that he was envious of Kane during his time in WWE because he wrestled with a mask on, which allowing him to maintain his privacy outside the ring.

An excerpt from the book is as follows: “I like to stay home, spend time with my family, and be left alone. My life is my life. It’s nobody’s business what goes on in my house, or with my wife or my children. I won’t intrude on your private life. Don’t intrude on mine.

“That’s why, in some ways, the WWE character I envied the most was Kane. He had the greatest gig ever, because he was a big star who wore a mask on TV. When he went home, he’d get to take off the mask and live a normal life. Nobody knew what he looked like, and no one ever bothered him when he went about his personal life. He must have had about as normal a life as you can have in professional wrestling.”

Lesnar continued about wanting privacy when he’s not out performing.

“When I’m on the job, in the ring, at the arena, I’m there to entertain you. I understand that. You paid to see me, and I owe it to you to make sure your money was well spent. But when I’m not on the job, I don’t think I owe anything to anybody. If you’re a plumber, and you’re out to dinner with your family, would you like it if the waiter walked up and said, ‘Hey, the toilet just backed up, can you come in the back and fix it?’ Probably not. You are there to eat, not to fish tampons out of the drain pipe. When I’m enjoying some time with my family, I’m not at work. I’m not ‘on.’ I’m not there to entertain anyone.”

He also noted his frustration with WWE’s strenuous road schedule.

“My first year on the main roster in WWE was a blur. My second year was even worse,” he wrote. “The money was great, and I was buying a lot of nice things, but I had no time to enjoy any of it. That touring schedule just eats you up. I just kept thinking that there has to be a better way to make some real money.”

Excerpts from the book, which was co-written by Paul Heyman, are available here. It is scheduled for release on May 24.

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