Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 166)
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Est. Runtime: 1 hour, 45 minutes
Happy Fourth of July!!! This week, Solomonster separates fact from fiction with the CM Punk promo and ranks it amongst WWE’s all-time great worked shoots — plus, The Rock responds to Punk on Twitter and Solomonster reacts to some comments about it on the SEScoops Facebook page. Also, it’s a Sound Off EXCLUSIVE as we review Friday’s TNA BaseBrawl show from Brooklyn, including the magic of Don West, the fantastic heel that is Jeff Jarrett and the absolute disgrace that is Ric Flair. All that, plus a rant on Linda and Nick Hogan (including some old jailhouse audio that if you’ve never heard it before, it will likely infuriate you), Triple H gives Sin Cara some advice, and shocking news on the Million Dollar Man! Oh yeah, and your questions.
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