Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 208)
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Est. Runtime: 1 hour, 36 minutes
This week, Solomonster raves about Ronda Rousey’s fight at last night’s Strikeforce show and what WWE could learn from it, he discusses the death of Doug Furnas, the latest updates on the WWE Network, Triple H signs a new deal (ending his TNA career before it ever had a chance to blossom), the controversial Zema Ion promo on Jesse Sorensen, two ideas for how the 2001 Invasion SHOULD have been booked, and dating advice for wrestling fans. Plus, looking at the Chris Jericho/CM Punk and Rock/John Cena promo battles from last Monday, Rock’s crib notes and whether they were planted, who came out on top, and booking this year’s WrestleMania card, including which match should probably go on first. This one may cause some debate.
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