TNA iMPACT! Tapings Results For Thursday

TNA Impact spoilers taped on 9/21/09

Xplosion Match: Kiyoshi vs. Amazing Red
Red wins after a running shooting star press when Kiyoshi misses a top rope moonsault.


Show of course opens with the M.E.M. Already in the ring. Kurt says most of the Mafia retained their dominance, but claims he didn’t lose the title to AJ, he was screwed by Matt Morgan who “turned on him” during the match.  Kurt announces himself vs. Morgan at BFG.  Out comes World Elite arguing that THEY are the most dominant force noting that Eric saved Kurt from Hernandez and tonight Kurt will return the favor and help EY take Hernandez out.  Booker takes the mic tearing down W.E., Angle stops Booker and says he is a man of Integrity and will team with Eric Young tonight.

Street Fight: Suicide vs. Pope
Pope attacks Suicide during his entrance. Few funny spots with of all things, a tambourine. Crown was totally into this one chanting out weapons for both men to use.
Suicide wins after a DOA on a trash can.
(Just a side note, Pope is WAY over in the Impact Zone)

Rhino vs. Brother Devon
Devon attacks Rhino during his entrance. Match ends in a no contest. They both are busted open and brawl til security comes out and tries to separate the 2.  Brother Ray comes in and orders to security to leave the ring. Ray screams at the two saying they should be fighting together. They stand in the middle of the ring and Ray raises both their hands and while Devon isn’t looking Rhino gores Brother Ray.

Backstage Segment with Mick and JB talking about finding the person who ruined the Tweet and Tweak Picture in Mick’s office.  Someone is selling their trading card for $300, they think this person is their perp

Coming out is the NEW TNA Champion AJ Styles. Saying after 7 LONG years he is champion.  The whole Impact Zone chants, “You deserve It.” He dedicates the title to the Fans and Sting as well.  AJ asks Sting to join him in the ring. Sting told its not about him its about him its about AJ. AJ recognizes Sting not pinning Kurt and going after Morgan so AJ can get the win. Sting gave AJ nothing and he earned the title. They go back and forth and AJ says he is going to do something for Sting so he gives Sting an opportunity to wrestle him for the World Title at Bound for Glory. They shake hands and its on.

Knockout Tag Titles: champions Sarita and Taylor Wilde vs. ODB and Tara
Great back and forth match. Kong comes out and fights Tara to the back. Champs win with the spring board dropkick/german suplex combo. Tara comes out and tries to explain to ODB what happened and they get in each others faces and Tara knocks the flask out of ODB’s hand.

Backstage JB and Mick interrogate Lethal Consequences about the picture. They don’t think it was them but accuse Alex Shelley.

X Division Title: Daniels vs. Homicide vs. Joe
Lots of working together between Joe and Homicide before they turned on each other. Finish was Homicide tapping out to the rear naked choke.  Funny note: Homicide went to get a chair out of the crowd and the person he got the chair from was none other than Vince Russo…oops, that probably won’t make the air!

Eric Young (w/ Bashir and Kiyoshi on commentary) and Kurt Angle vs. Hernandez and Matt Morgan
Morgan and Hernandez win after Angle pulls Young in front of a bicycle kick.
Post match Bashir and Kiyoshi confront Angle and Angle lays them out. British Invasion comes down and stares Kurt down and then Booker and Steiner come out and stand at the top of the ramp. Kurt walks right past British Invasion to Steiner and Booker and the 3 leave together.

Backstage, Foley and JB with the Guns. Sabin says the duo would never make CSI because they were at ringside doing commentary when the picture was destroyed. The Guns point out the surveillance camera in Mick’s office and they will review that.

Jethro Holiday vs. Bobby Lashley
Lashley wins by submission and the 2 shake hands after the match.

Main Event Tag Title Match: Steiner and Booker vs. Foley and Abyss
Foley comes out with the surveillance tape and puts it with Taz and Mike Tenay. Foley double arm DDTs Abyss and then tags him in so Booker and Steiner get the win and retain. Foley gets a mic, Abyss destroyed the picture and Foley attacks Abyss and breaks it over his head. He blames him for stealing his bat, costing him the Legends Title, and destroying his most prized possession. JB comes out and tells Foley he’s learned his lesson. Foley goes to leave with JB but grabs his barbed wire bat instead and goes back in the ring to destroy Abyss to close the show.

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