Upate On Ric Flair’s Divorce: More Allegations, Flair’s Tax Debuts Revealed

CharotteObserver.com has an article up looking at the news of Ric Flair’s fourth wife filing for divorce and claiming that Flair owes her tens of thousands of dollars in spousal support.

Jacqueline Fliehr alleges that during the couple’s marriage her husband has “offered indignities” to her that rendered her condition “intolerable and her life burdensome.”

She claims her husband treated her “in a cruel or barbarous manner” and alleges that Flair “recklessly spent” her income and concealed his own.

Pictures From Ric Flair’s 2009 Bachelor Party

The article notes that Flair also owes taxes to the federal and state government, with a federal tax lien for $237,436 in unpaid taxes, interest and penalties and owes the N.C. Department of Revenue $41,358 in taxes, penalty and interest.

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