Bret Hart Apologizes For Pat Patterson Gay Joke, Angle On Austin’s Podcast

– “Stone Cold” Steve Austin announced on Twitter that he’ll be in the studio today interviewing Olympic Gold Medalist & TNA star Kurt Angle for a new episode of his Steve Austin Show podcast.

– WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart has apologized for a joke he made about Pat Patterson during the Bret Hart Appreciation celebration that took place after Monday’s WWE RAW. While Pat Patterson was calling Bret the greatest Canadian wrestler in history, he got on one knee to salute him. Bret said something to the effect of, he gets scared when Pat, an open homosexual, gets on his knees.

Apparently Bret got some backlash for the joke, as he tweeted today:

“I sincerely apologize to anyone that was in any way offended by my in-ring joke to Pat Patterson on Monday, especially to Pat … whom I hold in the highest regard. I was only trying to take some of the edge off an emotionally challenging moment and I failed. The comment does not in any way reflect my feelings toward the gay and lesbian community. B”

VIDEO: Watch Bret Hart’s Gay Joke Here

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