Former TNA Knockout Talks Desire To Work In WWE, Total Divas, TNA, New Movie

The following are highlights of a VOC Wrestling Nation interview with former TNA Knockout Thea “Rosita” Trinidad:

On her new movie, “Army of the Damned”: “Tommy Dreamer introduced me to the producer and director, who were wrestling fans. As soon as he saw how Dreamer and I interacted, they decided (to pair us together). It’s really cool; we have a great cast and I feel like everyone was picked perfectly for their roles. There were some scenes in there where I was legitimately scared. I can’t wait for everyone to see it. The movie will be available worldwide on January 14.”

On her career aspirations: “I’ve always loved acting, and I always thought that acting was just getting me prepared for wrestling, but then I fell in love with it. I’m going to pursue acting, but I’m going to keep up with wrestling because I don’t feel like I’ve accomplished everything that I want to accomplish yet.”

On having a desire to work in the WWE: “Absolutely. Since I was four years old, I knew that this was something I wanted to do. This was my dad’s dream as well. He took me to WWE events as a child all the time. I knew from a young age that this was something I wanted to do – being the women’s champion, working Wrestlemania. Some people get into wrestling because they want to do it for a living, they’re happy working the independents or just wrestling anywhere, and they don’t care about working for WWE; for me, I’m not fully (fulfilled yet) in my wrestling career. Plus, I’ve only been doing it for 5 years and I have a long way to go.”

On working with big names in TNA: “It’s incredible. Walking into TNA and seeing everyone I grew up loving was such an amazing experience. Hulk Hogan was my dad’s favorite. Last 9/11, I got the chance to talk to Hogan for an hour about our experiences with 9/11 (Thea’s father passed away during the attack). I walked away from that conversation thinking, “wow, I just got to talk to Hulk Hogan. It’s validation for me that I’ve made it, and I’m proving people wrong that said I could never get there.”

On her relationship with TNA: “I didn’t leave on bad terms. The door is never closed. I don’t have any bad feelings toward anybody, and I will never burn a bridge. Tommy Dreamer got me my tryout, Terry Taylor signed my contract, and D’Lo was there with me from the start. My best friends were made at TNA. I have amazing memories.”

On “Total Divas”: “I do watch it. I met Naomi in 2010 when I tried out for WWE. She is such a star. I also have the utmost respect for Nati. (WWE is) putting so much into their up and coming talent and I think it’s great.”

Check out the complete interview online at

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