ICW strip NXT UK Superstar of World Championship

ICW has confirmed that their NXT UK Superstar World Champion has had to vacate

WWE affiliated Scottish promotion Insane Championship Wrestling (ICW) has revealed that their World Champion and NXT UK Superstar Noam Dar has been stripped of the title.

The company issued the following statement on their social media accounts today:

“As a result of COVID-19 restrictions, Noam Dar has been unable to compete for ICW since winning the ICW World Heavyweight Championship last year.

ICW on Noam Dar

“Due to the ongoing uncertainty around this, we have made the difficult decision to vacate the ICW World Heavyweight Championship.

“We hope that Noam Dar can return home to ICW in the near future. When he does, he will be granted a World Championship match at a time of his choosing.

“Two Fatal-4-Way Elimination Matches will now take place on 12 September and 26 September. The winner of each match will enter the main event of Fear & Loathing to challenge for the vacant ICW World Heavyweight Championship.”

ICW has also confirmed that Kez Evans, BT Gunn, DCT and Jason Reed will compete in the first Fatal-4-Way match this Sunday at ICW Fight Club.

The exact reason for Noam Dar being unable to compete for Insane Championship Wrestling has not been confirmed.

It is however worth noting that former PROGRESS Women’s Champion and NXT UK Superstar Jinny also had to vacate her title earlier this year, despite the company filming Chapter shows behind closed doors.

ICW has also been filming on closed sets recently, so it may well be an issue with regards to Dar’s NXT UK status that means he is unable to appear during the ongoing pandemic.

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