Jim Cornette on Firefly Fun House match – “What The F*ck?”

Former WWE manager/announcer Jim Cornette recently weighed in on the Firefly Fun House match from WrestleMania 36 this past weekend. In an absolute shock to nobody, Cornette was not a fan of the match. Here’s exactly what the leader of the ‘Cult of Cornette’ had to say on the Drive Thru podcast.

Jim Cornette on Cena vs Wyatt

“What the fuck?” Jim Cornette began. “Just what in the tee total, french fried, t*tty f*ck was that? I like John Cena and I’ve never said anything bad about John Cena. I assume John Cena is gone from the WWE and will never come back? And the only reason he participated in this I would think, is because he’d never be seen again by this audience.”

The overall reaction to the match from fans appears to be mixed. Some have praised WWE for creating a storyline driven experience, helping to get Wyatt’s character back into the mix. However, Cornette would disagree:

“F*cking Lewis Carroll has Alice down the rabbit hole.”

Jim Cornette

“All right, how do I make notes on this? He [Cena] came to the ring, then Bray’s in the funhouse. Then there he goes through the door because the puppet tells him to. F*cking Lewis Carroll has Alice down the rabbit hole. They came up with new material that sucked donkey a**. I wrote the following: ‘this is the end of wrestling, why am I wasting my time watching this?'”

Boneyard vs Firefly Funhouse

Cornette would then finish by comparing the Firefly Funhouse match to the Boneyard Match from the night before. “This isn’t even a cool movie fight scene” Cornette stated. “This is just stupid, nonsensical. Even in the movie fight scene they weren’t obviously acting silly and doing schtick with each other. I’ve never met Bray Wyatt, but I’m disappointed in John Cena.”

It is not currently known where or if this storyline will be ongoing. John Cena has recently been on Twitter and Instagram, so the idea of an ‘alternate dimension’ may be off the cards. Not sure that Corny would enjoy that much either…

What did you think of the Firefly Funhouse match? Let us know in the comments

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