Rey Mysterio Wishes Eddie Guerrero Was Here To Witness The Evolution Of Dominik

The influence of Eddie Guerrero can clearly be seen in the evolution of Dominik Mysterio and Rey Mysterio wishes that his best friend was here to witness the progress of his son.

The Master of 619 recently had an interview with Peter Rosenberg to promote the upcoming A&E Biography: Legends episode focused on Eddie that will premiere this Sunday, May 26.

During the interview, Rey reflected on the infamous feud between him and Eddie with Dominik being in the center. Mysterio said that he wishes Eddie was still here to share the ring with Dirty Dom:

“It was such a cool moment. Such a cool phase of our lives, I should say, because not only mine, I know even though Dom was young, to be able to be in that position, and at his age, absorb everything that happened. Not only that night, but the months prior to that, him being part of the story, major part of the story and the connection that he had with Eddie as well.

The one thing I wish it would have happened and this would have changed the dynamic incredibly. If Eddie would still be here and just to see Dom and Eddie in the ring that would have been…that’s one of those dreams, that it’s never gonna happen, but I wish…that would have been a big opportunity for me to just witness.”

It Would Have Been Such An Incredible Time: Rey Mysterio

They also discussed how different Rey Mysterio’s current feud with the Judgement Day star would have been if Guerrero was still around. The WWE Hall of Famer revealed that he still thinks about how different moments would play out if Eddie was still here:

“I’ve had moments where I just overthink scenarios if Eddie would still be here. My mind just goes crazy. Just thinking about all the things we could have done, Eddie and Dom with me involved. It just, it would have been such an incredible time. It’s unfortunate that we will never experience that. But maybe in the heavens, when we’re all up there. We can do a special match for God.”

Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio had been friends since the early 90s and shared the ring with each other many times in different stages of their careers in different promotions. Their most memorable encounter came at the 2005 SummerSlam event in August when Guerro faced Mysterio in a ladder match with the custody of a young Dominik being on the line.

Guerrero unfortunately passed away only a few months after this match in November 2005 at the age of 38. While Eddie may not be with us anymore, his legacy lives on and there are many current wrestlers who credit the late star for inspiring them to get into the business.

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