Roman Reigns Says He Is The Best In-Ring Performer Today

Roman Reigns recently sat down with Corey Graves for WWE Network’s Straight To The Source where he talked about a number of wrestling related topics. Below are some highlights from his interview:

Potentially retiring the Undertaker at WrestleMania:

“Being out there with him was incredible, I’ll never forget those things I felt. They didn’t teach us that. They didn’t tell you how to potentially retire The Undertaker or how to take that emotionally, how to accept that responsibility. Obviously, it was a great responsibility and I’m always up to the task, but it was emotional, man. It was way more [emotional] than I thought it was going to be, to be honest. It was a rollercoaster of emotions. I’ve been calling it ‘heavy’ as far as the emotions and stuff. It was more than I expected it to be. I want to stand out and be on the very top, but he just plugged in so much time and earned so much respect. It was cool to be able to feel that. I want to achieve that. I’ve never felt that level of respect from an audience.”

If he is the top guy:

“Every day of the week. This is the top of the mountain here point blank, period. I’m going to bust my ass and do my thing. And it was his yard. It’s mine now.”

Being the best in-ring performer today:

“I’m the best performer, in-ring, in the world right now, You can go to my matches and my pay-per-views over the last three years and you can say I’m an idiot or you can be like, ‘man, he has a point.’ Do you know what I mean? I didn’t come here for any other reason.”

Quotes via WrestlingInc

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