WWE RAW Reaction (12/23): The “YES!” & The “NO!”

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Noah Mark is back with his the latest installment of “The YES! & The NO! of WWE RAW.” Comment below and tell us if you agree with this week’s picks.

Complete WWE RAW Results (12/23)

WWE RAW (12/23)

Here are some quick thoughts about this weeks edition of Christmas Raw. Did you watch it?


The WWE Diva's are awesome to look at. Not so awesome to watch wrestle.
The WWE Diva’s are awesome to look at. Not so awesome to watch wrestle.

12-diva’s Jingle Bells Match: The tag team division has been completely turned around.  At one point it seemed like there was barely a tag team division. AJ Lee is the best women’s wrestler on the roster, why aren’t we seeing her in great matches. I guess I know why, because of Total Diva’s.  That doesn’t mean there can’t be great woman’s wrestling.  NO!




John Cena, CM Punk, and Big E. Langston victorious to end Christmas Raw
John Cena, CM Punk, and Big E. Langston victorious to end Christmas Raw

CM Punk John Cena & Big E Langston vs The Shield I enjoyed the match, Cena, Punk and Big E all out there. The end seemed silly though. Why would there suddenly be a disqualification, because the two illegal Shield members saved themselves from being pinned by Big E? It doesn’t make sense, but still the match was better than the Good Santa vs Bad Santa, which I thought for sure would close the show. Therefore it gets a YES!

The USOS vs The Prime Time Players:  The match was fun to watch.  Good tag team action YES!|

The USO's and The Prime Time Players all celebrate after the match. Barf
The USO’s and The Prime Time Players all celebrate after the match. Barf

The USOS & Prime Time Players Curtain Call Before the match Darren Young mistakenly refer to Austin Texas as Houston, to get some sort of heel heat, I didn’t have a problem with this. I did have a problem with after the match, The USO’s and The Prime Time Players all doing the Millions of Dollars dance. Here’s why I have an issue with it.  This is starting to become a thing, with Superstars hugging after the match, we saw it a few weeks ago with the Michael Strahan, Miz, Titus O’neil segment. We saw it with Big Show, Rey Mysterio and The Rhodes. Forget about ruthless aggression, these guys are all becoming wimps! It’s OKAY for two fan favorites to dislike each other, and not hug at the end. I’m not saying they need to attack each other after the match… but I’m hoping it’s just a lighthearted Christmas episode thing, and not a growing trend. Although with the recent article of WWE shopping their television shows to TV Network’s including Disney. We might see everyone hug at the end of matches in the future. NO!

"Bad Santa' full of Christmas Cupcakes
“Bad Santa’ full of Christmas Cupcakes

Good Santa Vs Bad Santa: It is what it is I guess. Mark Henry playing the good Santa, Damien Sandow playing the bad Santa with produced backstage segments contrasting the two. The announcers played it up as you would have expected. The whole concept is silly. Bah Humbug! NO!



Live Announcing: I would say it was a good thing that Michael Cole and JBL announced the show live from Stanford CT. (They had pre-recorded cut-in’s from the arena, but voiced most of Raw Live) it gave it a fresh feel, JBL made some topical references as he eluded to on twitter. The Batista announcement which clearly wasn’t scheduled for the show originally was added in, and the live commentary allowed for reaction from JB and Cole. Did you miss Jerry “The King” Lawler? I did not. YES!


"Santa Claus is an Illegal Immigrant" - Zeb Colter
“Santa Claus is an Illegal Immigrant” – Zeb Colter

The Real Americans vs Los Matadores: Another good tag team match on Raw. We saw the Antonio Cesaro swing, which if you haven’t’ seen live is an awesome thing to watch. With all the tag teams in the WWE, I think the WrestleMania pre-show match should involve all the tag-teams that one make it to the PPV. Perhaps the winner can face the champions.  YES!


RAW OVERALL: NO! Call me scrooge if you will, but the over cheesy holiday wrestling show, should go on Smackdown!  I think Raw looses it’s coolness by being lame. If Disney pony’s up the cash this could be what you see on RAW every week so get used to it! There was some good action on the show which I enjoyed, no real progression of WWE story lines but the big announcement of The Animal Batista, which was awesome to see. 


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